c h a p t e r t h r e e

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Through the course of the next few days, I'd been thinking about Colby a lot. We'd messaged eachother a lot. Here's a list of things I now knew about him;
• He's bisexual.
• He has a brother called Gage, and lives with his dad, his mom left.
• He's the same age as me.
• His birthday is on the 2nd of January.
• He's lower class.
• His dad supports him being bisexual.
• His hair was initially meant to be red, but turned out looking purple.
• He likes wearing clothes that you can hear him before you see him in. (Chains, suspenders, etc.)
• He's got super low self esteem. (Which he shouldn't).
• And last but not least, he has made me question my sexuality.

That last one really set me into a crisis. I didn't know how my dad would react if I wasn't straight. And I was actually really confused. If I did ever get with Colby, which I highly doubt will ever happen, everyone would judge me in my friend group. It's like it's racist to be in a relationship with somebody who's not upper class. Sometimes I hate being rich. Everyone finds out how much money my daddy makes and then they think I'm automatically a brat. When I'm not. That's everyone else. It's a socialised view. Everyone's opinions are changed by the media. I'm kind. I didn't have to stop Toby from hurting him. But I did. I don't have to thank the maid or be kind to my daddy or anything like that. I choose to. There isn't consequences to my actions if I was a brat. So technically I can do what I want. But I choose not to. It was now Friday, and I finally got to sleep in late tomorrow morning, even though I wouldn't be able to, because all I could think about was how incredibly confused I was. And how I'd come out if I was gay. Or bi. I'm so confused.

I sighed and dragged a hand down my face, pulling my features down for a second. I grabbed my phone and dialled Colby's number, needing his advice on the situation.
( s-Sam c-Colby)
S- Hey.
C- Hey.
S- I just wanted to ask...
S- Uh...
C- Spit it out (laughter).
S- I.. how did you um... know that you were bi? Like, how did you figure it out?
C- I met a boy. I thought it was normal to have thoughts like damn he's cute or like yeah I'd smash him. And then I joked about it once and my group of friends was like, you're kidding, right? That's gay. And then they ditched me, along with the boy I'd fallen hopelessly in love with. And that was when I realised I actually wasn't straight. Anyway, why'd you ask?
S- I- Uh- No reason, none at all.
C- Ok, you don't have to tell me.
S- I'm sorry, I'll tell you. I've been really confused lately.. about my uhm.. sexuality.
C- Oh, I get you. You'll figure it out.
S- Thanks for the advice man.
C- No problem. I'm gonna go, I hope you figure things out dude.
S- Alright, and thanks for the advice.
C- No problem.
S- See ya.
C- See ya.

I flopped down onto my bed, groaning.
"Samuel! Your dinner is ready," daddy yelled.
"I'll get it later," I huffed, putting a pillow over my head.
"What the fuck am I meant to do?" I sighed, shaking my head.



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