c h a p t e r t w e n t y

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"I cannot stress how scared I was earlier," Colby mumbled. His dad changed his mind and said that I could stay the night.
"You were scared?" I laughed. "I'm kidding, of course you were. But you were so brave, coming to find me with your dad, and then beating Toby up? That was honestly the bravest thing anyone could've ever done," I raised my eyebrows, earning a smile from Colby.
"I love you," he sighed, laying with one of his legs over mine.
"I love you more," I grinned, pulling him directly on top of me. He giggled and clung onto me.
"God, you're so cute," I laughed.

"Oh my god Sam get up we're gonna be late for school!" Colby exclaimed, my eyes bolting open.
"What time is it?" I mumbled groggily, rubbing my eyes.
"Five to eight, get up!" He groaned, walking over to his wardrobe.
"I'm up, I'm up!" I laughed, getting out of bed in only my boxers.
"I've got no clean clothes, fuck," I laughed more, yawning as I did so.
"You're gonna have to borrow some of mine," he giggled as I walked over to him, giving him a hug from behind. He passed me a pair of black plaid pants with a chain hanging from a couple of belt loops, a black graphic tee that said 'the future is romantic' and a black cotton zip up hoodie.
"Thanks babe," I grinned, kissing him on the cheek before getting dressed quickly. I turned around to face him, seeing him already dressed with his mouth agape at the sight of me.
"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows, slipping my hands around his waist. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a chain on the belt loops, a black plaid shirt tucked into his jeans and a black cotton hoodie similar to the one he had given me.
"They match. Now c'mon, we're gonna be late," he laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me along towards the stairs.

"You two are literally matching and everything, couple goals omg!" Becca laughed, putting a hand on Colby's thigh. He looked incredibly uncomfortable. I slid my hand around his waist and pushed her hand off of his thigh, earning an eye roll.
'Don't' I mouthed to her, giving her a glare. I kept my hand firmly around his waist, massaging where my hand was gently. He grinned and leaned into me, peppering little kissed on my neck.
"You're so cute," I laughed, him continuing to kiss my neck with a soft giggle.
"I love you," he smiled against my neck, his nose pressed softly against my skin.
"I love you more," a grin spread across my face and I closed my eyes, Colby peppering small kisses all over my face.

"No dad, why can't I go to Sam's?" Colby said angrily over the phone. I couldn't hear what his dad was saying, but it must've been important because Colby stopped complaining.
"What?" He stopped in his tracks, his eyes glazed.
"A-Are you serious?" He whispered.
"What? What's happened?" I asked frantically, putting my hands on his waist. His phone dropped out of his hand and he fell into me, unconscious.
"Colby! Colby?" I caught him easily, trying to wake him up. I reached down and grabbed his phone, putting it to my ear.
"Colby just literally passed out, what happened?" I asked, still trying to wake him up.
"Gage passed away this morning," his dad's voice cracked loudly as he spoke.
"Oh my god that's terrible. Are you ok?" My eyes opened widely and Colby regained consciousness, confused, with tears rolling down his face. His dad stayed silent.
"I'm sorry, I'm terrible at stuff like this. I'll bring Colby home now," his dad said bye and ended the phone call after I said this. I wrapped my arms around him protectively, him sobbing loudly.
"I t-thought h-he w-w-was getting b-better?" He sobbed, dampening my - his - T-shirt.
"C'mon, let's get you home baby boy," I mumbled, kissing him on the forehead before we walked away.


Bro Sam and Colby's new series gave me c h i l l s

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