c h a p t e r e i g h t

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"I don't feel right," Colby mumbled as we walked around the corner.
"Why?" I asked, squeezing his hand softly.
"I've not got a chain on me," he grinned.
"Put the one from your other jeans on those ones then," I shrugged. He nodded and reached into the bag on his back for the chain. He found it quickly and fumbled with the latch, struggling to attach it to the belt loop.
"C'mere," I laughed, putting my hand out. He dropped the chain into it and I dropped into a crouch, attaching it to his jeans with ease.
"Thanks," he giggled.
"No problem," I laughed, sliding my hand back into his. They fit perfectly with each other, his smaller than mine.
"I'm praying my dad doesn't ask questions. He accepts me for being bi, obviously, but I've never been with a guy and then brought him home to my dad," Colby explained, letting out a nervous sigh.
"Hey, hey. Don't worry. It'll be fine. Even if he doesn't like it at first, he'll come around. You'll be ok," I stopped, holding both of his hands.
"I hope so," he mumbled, not convinced. He started to walk away and I pulled him back by his waist.
"I promise you'll be ok. Ok?" I said sternly. He sighed with relief.
"Ok. Thank you," he wrapped his arms around me tightly.
"You don't need to thank me. It's what I'm here for, to be there for you," I sighed, wrapping my arms around his small frame.
"Hey, Samuel!" I heard a voice shout from behind. It was Toby.
"Shitshitshitshitshit keep going and be fast,"
"H-he's the one that beat me up," Colby half exclaimed, taking a short glance back.
"I know, that's why we need to be quick.
"Samuel! Get your ass here! Who are you with?" Toby yelled.
"Fuck it, run," I mumbled, Colby breaking into a run beside me. I grabbed his hand and ran with him, taking a quick glance behind.
"Fuck, he's running too," I groaned, both of us quickening our pace.
"I don't want him to beat me up again," Colby grunted between breaths.
"He won't, I promise," I replied, my breathing ragged.
"Go through here," Colby dragged me into an alleyway.
"Fuck," I put a hand to my forehead as we stepped further into the alley.
"Through here's my street," he mumbled, leading me through. It was dirty.
"Sorry about Toby. He's a dickhead," I laughed, Colby giggling.
"Tell me about it," he giggled. We exited the alley soon enough, onto a small, downtown street.
"Your house makes mine look tiny," he giggled more as we approached a small, cozy looking house. He lead me up the stairs, gripping my hand nervously. He grabbed his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the front door, opening it. A wave of heat hit me, different from the late winter air.
"Did you bring your pal?" A strong male voice descended throughout the house.
"Yeah, I need to tell you something though," Colby answered. He dropped his bag by the door and bit his lip nervously.
"It'll be ok," I mumbled, squeezing his hand.
"Colby!" A younger boy's voice sounded, which soon was given a face. A small boy, assuming his little brother Gage, about 12 years old ran into the room.
"Gage!" He replied, just as enthusiastically.
"Where've you been?" Gage asked with big eyes, the same as Colby's.
"A friend's. Where's dad?" Colby asked.
"Kitchen," the small boy replied, plodding off elsewhere.
"Here goes nothing," Colby whispered, looking at me with scared eyes. I quickly placed a soft kiss to his cheek before we walked into the room.
"What did you need to tell me?" The dad asked, not looking up from the dishes he was washing.
"I need you to listen, and look I suppose," Colby explained, hiding our hands behind our backs.
"So.. this is my boyfriend, Sam," he coughed out.
"How did you score a blonde? I've never been able to do that," he chuckled. Colby and I laughed nervously.
"In all seriousness though, I'm proud of you. And you," he looked at me with a warm smile.
"Better treat him right. And I'm guessing you will, judging by the way you looked at him when you two walked in here."
"I will," I grinned, sliding a hand around his waist.
"So how long have you been together?" His dad asked, turning back round to the dishes he was doing.
"Since yesterday," Colby answered, pulling quite possibly the cutest face in the world at me.
"But things happened before we even got together so we were like already kinda together but not together? If that makes sense," he explained, grinning at me.
"Stop being so fucking adorable," I whispered, almost inaudible. He giggled, putting his hands around my neck I put my hands on his waist and kissed him, and just as I did, his dad turned around.
"How lovely," he laughed heartily, turning back around.
"We're gonna go upstairs," Colby giggled.
"Don't have too much fun," he winked.
"Shut up," Colby laughed, grabbing my hand and leading me to his bedroom.


There is so much drama in my friend group rn I CANNOT

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