c h a p t e r t w e n t y - t h r e e

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The sound of Colby's gentle snores filled my room as he slept. I sighed and admired his features, being a little bit blurry due to the camera quality. I smiled softly and wondered what the future was going to bring for us. I wondered how long it was gonna take for my dad to accept us. How long it would take for Colby to get over his brother's death. How long it would take for us to have our first argument. If we'd live together. If we'd move into a cozy apartment. If we'd ever get a pet. If we'd ever have kids. If we'd stay together forever. If we were soulmates. If we'd grow old together.
These thoughts often came to me as I thought about our relationship. I hoped we'd live together, maybe have a couple of children, grow old together, and then go to the afterlife together. I believed there's was afterlife. There was obviously something after you died. And I hoped I'd go there with Colby. Spend the rest of eternity with him. Because I knew, that we were meant for eachother. Ever since I laid eyes on him. I knew he was the one. The first eye contact. The first conversation. The first touch. The first kiss. The first time. The first time I'd seen him cry. The first time he'd seen me cry. The first everything. And the second, and the third, and the everytime. Every single time, I knew that he was the one. I knew that he would be by my side forever, and that he would love me forever. And that I would love him forever. Which is true. I always will and always would love him, in all of his perfection. His dyed purple-red hair, which was now fading, his piercing blue eyes, his perfect little nose, his plump, pink lips, his clear, tanned skin, his slightly muscular body, everything. Even if his home life was kinda fucked up, I still loved him, and would stand by him during anything. The fact that half of my wardrobe was in his, and half of his wardrobe was in mine, just made me so happy in ways I couldn't explain. We shared something special, he was my partner in crime, my best friend -
my soulmate.
He meant everything to me, he was my reason to live, my one and only. My boyfriend. And I would do anything to protect him, and I would do anything to get to him. To love him. To keep him safe. To keep him warm. I loved him, so, so much. There was no possible way I could describe it in words, it was just there. Couldn't be explained, just there. We're soulmates. And that, was our story.


The End 💕


🥺🥺🥺🥺 I loved writing this story, and I know it ended short, but it was sweet. I really enjoyed writing this chapter, I'll have a new story out soon, I promise. See ya soon. 🖤

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