c h a p t e r f o u r

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"Do you wanna come to mine tonight?" I asked, Colby a pace or two behind me. It was Saturday, and we'd met up in town.
"Yeah sure. Is it ok with your dad?" He asked, his chains rattling violently as he jogged a little to catch up to me.
"Even if it isn't ok, he won't argue with me," I shrugged with a smirk, Colby giggling. I slowed my pace, not wanting to make him keep jogging.
"I'll ring my dad now and ask him," he mumbled, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
"Hey. Is it ok if I go to a friends tonight? Yeah, I actually have some believe it or not. Alright. Thanks, bye," is all I heard, not being able to hear what his dad was saying.
"He said I can," he grinned, fiddling with the chain attached to his jeans. He was wearing black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, accompanied by a chain, a grey T-shirt with holes in it, a black and white flannel shirt around his waist, and a pair of black Air Force 1's. I, on the other hand, was wearing Levi's blue skinny jeans, a white Levi's T-shirt, a grey North Face zip up jacket and air max 270's.
"Ok," I grinned, sitting down on the bench next to us. He didn't notice at first, as he walked ahead, giving me the perfect view of his ass.
Wow Sam. You've got to go to your house, with Colby, with a hard-on. Nice one.
"Fuck," I sighed, Colby sitting next to me.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I- Uh- Nothing," I stumbled, putting my jacket on my lap to cover up my bulge.
"Ok. Are we going to yours now or later?" He shuffled a little closer to me.
"Uh... whenever, I'm not fussed," I shrugged, looking him straight in the eye as I continued to hide my crotch.
"Should we go now? If it's ok with you, of course," he suggested, our thighs now touching. I cleared my throat slightly.
"Sure. I parked around the corner," I chuckled nervously, keeping my jacket covering myself as I stood up.
"Ok," Colby nodded, following next to me as I walked, soon seeing my familiar red Lamborghini.
"Hop in the other side," I mumbled, unlocking it by my keys as we approached. Colby stumbled around the other side, almost falling over.
"Are you alright?" I chuckled as he climbed into the passenger seat.
"Yeah," he laughed. I made sure my jacket was covering myself, and I started the engine.
"This car is really cool," Colby giggled, fiddling with the chain on his jeans.
"Thanks. It's not as cool as you though," I smiled, driving away from the street and towards my house.

"Woah!" Colby's eyes and mouth fell wide as we pulled up outside my house. I grinned, which soon turned to a frown as I remembered I still had a hard-on.
"C'mon," I mumbled, stepping out of the car. He followed, his mouth in a constant drop of awe.
"Close your mouth," I laughed, Colby giggling. I locked the car and opened the large doors. Colby scoffed quietly as he saw the big entrance halls inside.
"I could only imagine having a house this big," he mumbled, his voice echoing.
"I think my dad's out. It's just us. And maybe the maid," I shrugged, navigating us towards the stairs.
"Jesus Christ," he laughed, now beside me as we walked up them. I opened my bedroom door, making Colby's jaw drop even harder than it had before.
"This is your bedroom? This is the size of my living room!" He exclaimed, taking a step forward.
"I'm gonna go to the toilet, I'll be right back. Entertain yourself," I smiled nervously, tossing him the tv remote, and went to the toilet in my dad's bedroom rather than my own. If I was gonna jerk off, I certainly didn't want Colby to catch me. I shut the bathroom door behind me, bolting it.
"Fuck," I gasped as I unzipped my jeans and my member hit my chest. I pulled my jeans and boxers down and put a hand around my throbbing member, begging for contact. I pumped myself once, pre-cum already leaking out of the tip. I gasped as I pumped harder, the feeling getting better. I put my jacket over my mouth to muffle my quiet moans as I kept going.
"Fuck," I gasped as the thought of Colby naked popped into my head. I hadn't actually seen him with nothing on, but I bet he looked fucking amazing. God, I wanted to fuck him senseless. I came conveniently over the toilet, not messily whatsoever. I wiped sweat off of my forehead and sorted myself out, walking back to my room.



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