bruh really

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tytiana(pov )

I went to my room at my moms house its to late to go to keyonta's house but i need to come back with my momma tho maybe keyonta will agree with me and stay along with me.

i know he want his own place but hey what ever happens happens im not go die if he say no.

I took off my clothes in got in bed keyonta was sleep im feeling all type of ways right now I just layed there looking up and keyonta turned and put his hand around.

Tears started coming down " you good baby." He said holdng me onto me tight i felt like i was dying my dad not going to meet his grandchild or children in the future I'm gonna have more maybe 2 or 3 more. Anyways i felt like i have no one even though keyonta was holding me i still felt like he wasnt there either. I was alone empty lose confused i felt alot of things.

"Bae." He said.

"Im trying not to cry." I said

"I know how you feel." He said

"you don't no how it feels to know your dad is going to die in your mom is really really sick almost in her death bed." I said he held me close to him

"Baby calm down your gonna put your self in the hospital. " keyonta said

"What you doing baby." He said...i turned around put my head on his chest and force myself to sleep.

The next morning

I woke up in keyonta wasn't in bed with me he's probably in the bath room i got when i opened the door my mom said " goodmorning "

"Goodmorning mom where's keyonta ." I said.

"He went to the store." She said

"Okay." I said

"He'll be back okay." She said

"I know he'll be back mom can i ask you something." I said.

" yes you can anything...what wrong." She said.

" mom i want to move in with you again." I said

"Baby all your things are here cause you never moved out can i ask you a question." She say

"Yes mama." I said.

"Do keyonta know he's not the daddy of the u know Jaceyon can go throw court if u dont let him see his baby." She said

" his baby mama im carrying this baby he cant even go to the hospital with me, mama be real his sorry he cant do Nothing for me mom this is my baby in ma baby only... he couldn't even take me too the hospital when I asked" i said

" well I talk with him abd he's not happy with you he wont to see his babt...what you mean take you to the hospital you have a mom for that and a dad." She said.

keyonta walked in i smile he make me so happy i feel like the happiest person on earth I have the tears coming down slowly

"Whats wrong with you." He said qnd handed ma mom a bag

"Nothing." I said my mom looked at me and fake similed at me.I walked out holding keyonta hand.

"Why we're you crying." Keyonta said

"I was just in the moment." I said.

"I hate when you lie to me i will love it you can tell the truth for a living." He said

"Wtf keyonta when don't i tell you the truth i hate when you act like this there's nothing wrong with me so just shut up already...obviously if it was some thing wrong ill tell you." I semi yelled

"How would i know you lie so fucking much...and dont fucking yell at me like you stupid." He yelled in my face.

I looked at him and throw my hands up and slighted "what is all this keyonta." I said. He let out a deep breath and turned around naking up the bed.

"Omg really." I yelled "you really go start this today."I yelled louder walking into ma mama staring at us arguing i just looked at her and keeped walking.

He's so fucking stupid i swear i didn't even lie i was in the moment like i said I dont understand i tell him the truth and he think I'm lying like Wtf do he want me to lie to him because i can with no problem.

Ps I didn't know what title to use so I used this one


Sorry for the long wait

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