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Aiden stepped out onto the main deck. Amelia Rose straddled the gunwales, her fingers entwined in some of the rigging to keep her from falling into the water. Her hair blew in the wind, brushing against her face.

"You alright?" Aiden asked.

"No," Amelia Rose mumbled, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Holden told me what happened."

Amelia Rose offered a fake smile back. "I just want to go home."

"With your...with your dad?"

Amelia Rose frowned. "I don't have a home. Not anymore."

"Maybe your home is—" The dinner bell cut Aiden off.

"Dinner's ready, ya'll." Dav walked on deck, balancing a plate of cornbread in his hands. From the incredible smell in the air, Aiden knew it was only one thing.

"Yes," he whispered. Bacon cornbread. His favorite.

The others gathered around for dinner. It had been an eventful few days. Everyone was handling it in their own way, but not being able to help Amelia Rose hurt.

Holden took a piece of cornbread—A Tranan Desert favorite—before glancing at Aiden, his eyes full of judgment. Aiden was used to the look by now, but he thought he sensed a friendly undertone to it. He was wrong. Holden genuinely disliked him.

Everyone gathered around the helm with their food. Rafaele steered the ship. Aiden took a seat next to Amelia Rose on a crate. She smiled weakly at him.

Haworth walked over to them, raking a hand through his red hair. He never wore a shirt anymore which was just an excuse for him to show off how muscular he was. Aiden shook his head.

"Hey kiddos, he said, scooching onto the crate, pushing Aiden into Amelia Rose so that he could get a little space to rest his rear.

"You mind not cuddling with me, Haworth?"

"You like it."

"It's not my favorite thing," Aiden said.

"Suit yourself," Haworth shrugged. Then he pointed at Amelia Rose. "Yeah, so let's clear this up: All this time my buddy Dirty was you?"

"Yes, Mr. Haworth," she nodded.

"Really?" he said, craning his neck to get a better look at her. "Because I'm way smarter than the average Aiden over here.. I don't mean to brag, you know, but I'm kind of a genius. Got me a six-shooter education."

"And that statue out in Trinity Gorge," Aiden pointed out, taking a bite of the cornbread.

"Right-o," Haworth nodded.

"You do not have a statue out in Trinity Gorge!" Amelia Rose said, tilting her head. "I've been there several times."

"Aiden," Haworth whispered sharply into Aiden's ear, "You're supposed to know these things before you embarrass me!"

Aiden shrugged. "How should I know that the mayor's wife was so well-traveled?"

Jade walked up onto the poop deck. Suzaku followed behind her, a small notebook in his hands. Jade took a deep breath and crossed her arms. She didn't look happy. "So once we get to Longport, we'll stock up on supplies—food, water, ammunition—then we'll be saying goodbye to Dr. Nejem who will be taking The Princess of Aydesreve to the Jhataran States. He'll occupy the lighthouse there," she announced.

"Aw Sawbones, you've got to stay!" Haworth called out.

"Wh-what did you call me?"

"Like it?" Haworth winked. "Sawbones. Cause you saw bones."

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