Ch 33

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I woke up in a small dark room with a small window that only allowed me to see a dumpster. my hands were tied behind my back and my feet were chained to a pole and I was sitting on the cold hard floor. I had something inside my mouth that forbid me from talking just whine and make faint screams. I tried pushing the cloth wrapped around my mouth with my tongue and teeth and officially succeeded.
"HELP!!!!" I yelled and heard my echo. from that this room must be empty. I heard a door open and from the light coming in from the window it allowed me to see a dark figure coming towards me.
"Your awake, finally" the voice said but I still couldn't process it since I had been out cold from what he said.
"You know, pretty little innocent girls like you shouldn't be as innocent as they seem." He said and then I felt like a lightbulb lit up above my head. Matthew.
"Leave me alone!! Why do you hate me so much?!" I asked holding back tears.
"I'm afraid I can't do that, and I don't hate you, I just seem to not have a strong connection with you" he said and came closer to me.
"Step away from me!" I yelled at him. he slapped me.
I let me tears out and I felt blood in my mouth. "its you or your precious mother and Cameron the one who I only wanted to be friends with to get closer to you" wow what a fake ass. I couldn't let him hurt my family.
"You wouldn't dare touch them" I growled through gritted teeth.
"Watch me" he said and got up but I stopped him.
"No stop, alright I will do whatever you want but please don't hurt them " I cried out. he came back towards me and caressed his hand across my cheek sending shivers all over my body. He started kissing down to my neck and I let out small cries.
"Shut up!" He said pulling away and slapping me. I prayed to God for this to be over and for Cameron and my mom to be okay.
After what seemed like 5 minutes we heard banging on the door. also what seemed like someone trying to kick it down.
"Ahh FUCK!!!" Matthew yelled and grabbed a bat and hid it behind him as he went to go check who it was
"What are you doing here?'" I heard Matthew ask.
What are you doing here?!" Said a voice barely loud enough for me to hear.
"N-no don't go in there!" But it was to late he was already heading towards me and as soon as he got inches away from my face I saw who it was and I was surprised, I thought it would be Cameron or the police i didn't expect him.
-Matthew's POV-
I heard loud banging on the door and someone trying to kick it down.
"Ahh FUCK!!!" I yelled and grabbed the bat and headed to see who it was. I opened the door and there stood the person I least expected.
"What are you doing here?" I asked. he didn't answer.
"What are you doing here?!" He asked looking behind me and pushing me out of the way to go inside.
"N-no don't go in there!" I yelled but it was too late he was already approaching her.
"Matt! What the hell are you doing to her!?!!" He asked me in a angry tone.
" I was helping her get out of here" I said quickly.
"Help" I heard her cry out,
"He's gonna hurt me please get him away from me, don't let him get near me" she cried more. he began to pick her up in his arms and take her outside. what have I done? I was the one that should've saved her from everything and the one that should've kept her safe but I did the exact opposite of that. the only person that saved her from me was Gilinsky.

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