Be happy

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So as you might know this book has ended but there is going to be a sequel and I'm working on it right now.
I want to thank you guys for everything! I wouldn't have continued this book if it weren't for you guys.
You guys are amazing and beautiful and perfect in every way! Never let anyone tell you differently!
Everyone has their own flaws and differences! No one is perfect but we're all perfect in our own way! After all;
We're all in the same game;
Just different levels;
We're all dealing with the same hell;
Just different devils.
I love you guys thank you for going along for the ride with me in this.
Message me anytime you guys want to talk I'm always here for anybody that needs help! Don't be shy or scared!
Love you guys 😘
I'll let you guys know when the first chapter of the sequel is up.
The title will be
Finally Happy (Sequel to Tortured)
Bye guys 😘

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