Safe Travels

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Twilight's POV

The crisp afternoon wind and the scent of the ocean are much-welcomed sensations. My nerves were still unsettled as we left Berk behind this morning, but the cool weather calmed me down. How could anyone judge me anyhow? My babies have never been outside Berk before, they've been shielded from everyone but the Berkians up to this point. How could I ever be expected to just be calm about it? Even now, I insisted that the five of them stay in the center of the pod as we fly over the open ocean.

"Hey, I'm worried too. It's kind of odd though, seeing you frazzled up like this. You're usually so calm and collected." Toothless comments as he flies alongside me. I jerk from my thoughts, as I had drifted from our conversation.

"It's just... I don't anything to happen to them, you know?" I respond meekly. "They're our babies, it's okay to worry about them, right?"

"Of course! I worry about them too, what would we do if we ever lost them?" Toothless empathizes with me, expressing his own worries. "It's a moment I hope we'll never have to go through. Ever."

"Excuse me! Coming through! Just let me get through here... Fishmeat eat your rocks! Eat your rocks!" A familiar, squeaky voice can be heard making its way to the front of the pod.

"GODS! People who fly with babies are the worst!" Snotlout proclaims in annoyance. Fishmeat promptly fires a small ball of magma at Snotlout, who just barely dodges. "Ugh!..."

"I feel like I'm always askin' you this question but wah! Wake up Grump, wake up!" Gobber begins to ask Hiccup before Grump falls asleep and Gobber goes spiralling to the ocean. Grump wakes up just in time and flies back up to Hiccup. "Is there an actual plan, or..."

"Just keep flying until we reach the end of the world." Hiccup curtly responds, readjusting the lenses on his telescope.

"Dah... sounds sensible." Gobber mutters as Grump flies to a lower position of the pod. Hiccup knows the world isn't flat, right?

"Aagh... it keeps going!" Snotlout complains. Of course it keeps going, it's the ocean! Hookfang seems to share the same thought as he rolls his eyes.

"That's because the world is actually round." Tuffnut states. I'm surprised it's him of all people who know this, I thought he'd be the last one. Hiccup rolls his eyes and Astrid chuckles. "The sun's round, the moon's round, the stars are round... even though they're small and stupid..." The conversation fades out as I catch a scent in the wind.

"Do you smell that?" I ask Toothless as I look around for the source.

"Yeah, it's the same as the one from the forest." He responds, also looking around.

"Whatchu picking up on bud?" Hiccup questions, patting Toothless's neck. Toothless suddenly jerks up and whips his head to the right.

"Over there!" He announces. I look over and sure enough, a white dragon emerges from the clouds.

"It's the Light Fury!" Astrid exclaims, a smile spreading across her face.

"She's following us!" Valka adds as she stretches to get a better look at the gliding, white she fury.

The glistening dragon glances over at us before giving a shrill cry and disappearing through a blast of her own plasma. How does she do that?... Toothless suddenly bursts off in her direction, giving me barely any react time. "Hey! Toothless! Wait up!"

I catch up to Toothless in no time, and when I do I give him a light wack on the head with my tail. "Why'd you fly off like that?"

"Ow! Sorry, I just thought we'd lose her if we didn't go after her right away." He explains, shaking his head.

"Well, look who it is!" Hiccup exclaims as Kania swivels on my back to get a look. The she fury dives at Hiccup and scoops him off Toothless's back effortlessly.

"Hey! Drop him right now!" I shout as I shoot after her." Toothless needs him to fly!"

The she fury stops in her path and drops Hiccup. "What?" is the only word that comes out of her mouth as Toothless dives after Hiccup. As soon as I see that Hiccup is back on Toothless's back I turn back to the Light Fury. Unfortunately, she seems to have disappeared by the time I look back. I sigh and fly back down to the pod.

"Are you okay Tooth?" I ask as I nuzzle him.

"Yeah, I'm just sad she flew off again." He responds as he nuzzles back. I feel a small pang in my chest that passes as soon as it comes.

"Sad? Why would you be sad?" I ask, a quizzical frown on my face.

"Well, she might be able to tell us where she's from and if she's seen others like us." He explains. I guess I can understand that, but sad? I'd say frustrated more than anything.

Just as I'm about to comment, a large, towering island comes into view. It reaches up past the clouds and the mere shadow of it screams intimidation. Now that I'm seeing it, I realize how tired I am. I hope we're taking a break here.

"Alright. Looks like we're camping here for tonight." Hiccup announces.

"Thank Thor!" I say, exasperated. I plop down onto the lush, green grass and stretch. "Ah, this hits the spot."

Toothless laughs and drops down beside me, beginning to groom my scales. I feel more bodies lay down beside me and I see it's my babies. They look absolutely exhausted as they cuddle up and drift into sleep. "Let's stay here for a while..." Toothless whispers as I, too, fade into a deep slumber.

At Old Berk, some time ago...

"So?! Where are they?!" A gruff voice demands as it's owner trudges up the old, rocky steps.

"Gone, obviously." A familiar silver-haired figure responds in a carefree manner.

"The Night Furies escaped you?! Again?!" A woman criticizes.

"I encouraged it. They've abandoned their only defensible position! Running scared, but little they can carry." Grimmel defends his actions to the three warlords that march their way up the stairs. "Don't fret, they won't get far. The Night Furies are dis-threatened."

"I introduced them to your female. Furies mate for life you see, but may abandon their mate if there are no offspring are involved. Offspring are the ultimate tie for Furies, and will not even think of leaving their 'family'" Grimmel explains, going over the specific details in a way the feeble-minded warlords would understand.

"Ah, yes yes, but where did they go?" The burly ear lord demands. Grimmel sighs deeply.

"How to explain this..." Grimmel mutters to himself as he pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Night Furies can't survive in the cold so they haven't gone North."

"They're trying to put distance between themselves and enemies from the East and South." Grimmel crosses out spots on the map in front of him. "And Night Furies cannot fly long distances without rest. Their flight path must include stops."

"Therefore, they've gone..." Grimmel notions for a response. "They can only have gone..."

"Does anyone want to take a guess? Anyone?" Grimmel hangs his head in discontent. "W-w-w-w-w-w..."

"Ah! East!" The burly warlord places a small wooden boat on the map in the ENTIRELY wrong place.

"WEST! Mmm?" Grimmel notions to the West direction on the map. "Simple, see? Oh, isn't this fun? Yes? No."

"Yes, yes. Where is your love of the hunt? I thought you were conquerors? You'll have your prize, in time! Just allow me a few more days to enjoy this. I have dearly missed it..." Grimmel stands tall as he observes what's left of the abandoned village.

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