Part Fourteen

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Sitting up in bed, I let a yawn escape my lips, before my eyes drift over to the clock on my bedside table. And I think it takes me a good couple of minutes to actually take in the numbers that stare back at me. When I do, I gasp and immediately jump out of bed, because it's Thursday, it's gone nine in the morning, and I have a class at half past.

I run straight out of my room, bumping into the doorway's frame, before opening Kade's bedroom door and jumping onto the bed in an attempt to wake him. Despite the fact that I'm wearing nothing but my boxers, and Kade is in the same state as me, I can't help but not care, because we've already missed one day of school yesterday, and so today we need to actually turn up.

"Kade, get your ass up!" Automatically, Kade starts to laugh.

"If that's what you really want." He sends me a wink, rolling over, and before he can get any further, I wrap my arms around his waist and lift him up before throwing him onto the bed again, facing me again.

"Kade. Time. Late. Let's go." This causes another laugh to escape his lips and I wonder what on Earth he could be finding funny now.

"Like this? Your wish is my command, I suppose."

I grab the pillow beside him and throw it at his head, which then starts up a pillow fight. And as much as I'd love to stay and throw pillows at my boyfriend - I shiver at even the thought of the word, a pleasurable shiver - we really don't have time for this.

"Kade, we have twenty minutes, I'm having a shower, getting dressed and then we're going." I leave the room without a second glance backwards, making sure to over-exaggerate the swaying of my hips which results in a wolf-whistle from Kade, before he suddenly cuts himself off and a moment later I realise why.

"Oi! I need to shower too, douche-dick." I laugh at his expense as I reach the bathroom, quickly stripping down to nothing and jumping into the shower. As the hot water hits my skin, I let myself relax a little.

Moments later though, I feel something else pressing up against my body, or more like someone else. I let my thoughts drift back to when I had run in here and realise that I never actually locked the door behind me, which seems a fatal mistake now. But heck, I think I can live with the consequences.

"Kade." He wraps his arms around me and I jerk in surprise, not realising that since he is in the shower, he is in fact naked. In an instant, I feel his arms wrapping back around me, and let a shiver ripple through me.

"Justin." He whispers, and I almost melt to the floor then. He reaches in front of me to grab the shampoo and a moment later I feel his smoothing it into my hair, so I turn around and squeeze some into my hand, doing the same for his hair.

We do the same for conditioner and then comes the shower gel. I'm tempted to skip the stage today, but Kade goes and grabs the bottle anyway. I take the bottle after him and start washing myself, hopefully giving the hint that I'm definitely not ready to go that far.

In fact, even going this far seems too far for me. I'm not used to this or anything even slightly similar to it. I really have no clue what I'm doing or what I'm meant to be doing and fuck, am I over-thinking things?

Realising how stupid I'm being - asking myself questions probably hints at insanity - I finish up and get out of the shower, immediately wrapping a towel round my waist, and deciding to leave the room to dry up, because I think staying here would be a little awkward. Then again, things are only ever awkward because I make them awkward. Heck, maybe I'm the only one who actually finds them awkward.

I get changed quickly and as my eyes flicker to the clock, I let out a sigh. Looks like we're gonna be late. And my hair's still wet.

"Kade! We have five minutes to be at school." I make my way downstairs, shoving my shoes on before finding a croissant in my hand, which I eat as I walk out the door with Kade behind me.

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