Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

            Gilbert had a wide smile on his face finally he was back from the war! The sun was beginning to set and he had been traveling the entire day. He had been gone only 6 months, but it felt like much longer. Upon reaching the property he leapt from his horse and let the stable hand tend to it. He walked as briskly as his travel sore body would let him inside. A maid ran up and kicking off his riding boots and removing his coat he gave them to her. He removed his hat and held it, calling out


            A quiet pattering of footsteps followed and Ludwig came running to greet his brother.

            Ludwig hugged his knees and Gil smiled and bent down to hug his brother.

            Reuniting was one time he didn’t mind looking sentimental.

            Both the brothers were happy to be together again, both were smiling widely. Gil noted that Ludwig seemed to have grown a bit.

            He grinned and said “Someone’s gotten taller haven’t they?”

            Ludwig nodded “A whole 2 inches!”

            Gil laughed and walked up to his room with Ludwig trailing behind him.

            Reaching his room he lit a lamp and put his hat on a dresser before walking and sitting on his bed.

            Ludwig hung around the entrance to the room, unsure if he should enter or not.

            “C’mre Luddy” (Come here) he tiredly called

            Ludwig walked over and sat on the bed next to him, watching Gil.

            Gilbert tiredly looked at him. “What’s it that you need?” he asked

            Ludwig blushed lightly “Awesome Knight story.”

            Gilbert looked at his brother surprised “W-What? Why?”

            “Because… I liked the last story.”

            Gilbert stared at his little brother for a moment before sighing and standing.

            “Alright to your bed.” he said

            Ludwig didn’t move, which surprised Gil as the young boy usually listened excellently.

            To tired to bother arguing with Luddy he crawled into his bed and turned out the lamp. Ludwig moved closer to his brother and settled into the bed.

            Gil thought for a moment on what to say. He hadn’t planned on another Awesome Knight story.

            An idea crossed his mind and he began.

            “The Awesome Knight was locked in a long lasting battle, his country was in war. His men were losing will to battle on. Dawn was approaching, but the chill of the night did not recede. He looked around camp, at his cold, hungry, and tired soldiers. Their once white uniforms were blood stained, covered in dirt and grass. Never had their swords felt so heavy. The Knight stood, and spoke to his men, his noble fellow Teutonic Knights. He spoke in a friendly tone, but a tone that still held that edge of authority- a leader’s voice. His men looked upon him as he said: The battle is not lost, but it is not won. The enemy is tired, as are we. But there is one difference between us and them. We are the finest Prussia has to offer! We fight on our land, to keep it safe. Why else do we fight? Not to slaughter like monsters. Not to gain more land, like greedy men. Not to plunder riches like bandits. We fight for the safety of our king, our home, our family. That is the only reason to fight. But it is not enough just to fight, we must win. So that we, can go home. Home, to remember why we fight, to see the things we fought for. We shed blood for. If we fail, all is lost. There is no home. And there is purpose. He paused for a moment, to let his words sink it. The sun rose behind him, and he knew all too well a battle was also on the rise. He spoke again, meeting the eyes of his men. Ready yourself for battle. Fight as if it’s your last fight, for it just may be so. All men are mortal, even we. But today fight, not to survive. Fight, to go home. Fight today with all you have in you. Fight today to your last breath. Fight as a hero, as heroes never truly die. The Knight fell silent, and turned to face away, his cape whipping around. He looked out at the assembling enemy army across the field. He drew his sword, it flashed in the new light. The weariness faded from him, and when his men were behind him, he charged into battle, leading the Knights into what would be the final battle of the war. The Battle of Home, the fight, to get back home.”

            Gilbert fell silent, his tale ended. Ludwig had a faint smile on his sleeping face. Gilbert grinned and laughed lightly before he let his weariness take over, and joined his brother in the land of dreams.

Thanks for reading- and oh btw each story has a moral/lesson. id like to see if you can guess it, so if you can and guess it first and right ill dedicate the next chapter to ya

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