Chapter 5

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Chapter 4

            It was a cold winter, and Gilbert trudged through the snow. His return from war with Poland was a bitter one. He had been gone a long time, and he was tired, sore, and hurt.

            Banging open the main door to the house he kicked off his shoes and slammed the door.

            Ludwig came flying around the corner and skid to a stop in front of his brother.

            Gilbert managed a weary smile. No matter what happened, coming home always was the same. Always was joyous for both brothers.

            “Hey Luddy.” Gilbert said smiling

            Ludwig met his brother’s eyes, nearly his exact height now.

            Gilbert stepped forward and hugged his younger brother, messing up his blonde hair. His crimson eyes danced with happiness.

            “I missed you bruder!” Ludwig said smiling and hugging his brother.

            Gilbert chuckled “Missed the awesome me eh?”

            Ludwig offered a light chuckle in response.

            “Have you eaten?” Gil asked

            “Nein.” Ludwig replied

            Gilbert nodded and walked towards the kitchen, and sat in a chair. Ludwig sat across from him. An important matter weighed on the albino’s mind.

            “How have your studies been going?” Gilbert asked

            “Good, I finished all the things you left me.”

            Gilbert nodded “Ludwig…” he trailed off

            Ludwig looked at his brother “Ja?”

            “One day…” he started, but failed again.

            He furrowed his brow, trying to think how to say this.

            He stood, and pointed out the window to the snow covered earth.

            “Everything has a beginning, and therefore an end. The summer has ended, and the winter began. The green plants of the summer are dead and gone, replaced by a blanket of snow. Everything will end one day. Countries, rise and then fall.” He paused and ran a pale hand through his platinum hair.

            “One day, this land that I have… will end. But land simply doesn’t disappear. When you are older, the kingdom, the land of Prussia… will be yours. You, will take my place one day Ludwig. And all that I have, will be yours.” Gilbert spoke in an even voice, but with emotion.

            Ludwig sat, shocked. “B-but… I can’t!”

            “You can bruder, I know it.”

            “I have no clue on how to lead a country!” Ludwig yelled

            Gilbert walked back to the table, and sat. “One day, you will. Everyone has to learn how to lead.”

            Ludwig shook his head, more in shock than objection.

            Gilbert had an idea, and began to speak again.

            “When the Awesome Knight was just a mere squire, his lord said to him, One day, you will lead these men. One day, all my power will be yours. The young Awesome Knight couldn’t believe it; he had no clue on how to live up to his lord’s status. But how will I? He asked. The old Knight looked at his squire. You will learn. He spoke. The old Knight smiled, pay attention to me, watch and learn. I did not say this day was tomorrow. Just one day do not be surprised when I am gone, and you are there. Because that day will come, my vitality will end, and you, my squire will fill the place. The Awesome Knight nodded. As time went on he looked and he watched his lord. He saw what made a good leader. He watched others and saw what made them good, and what made them bad. To be a good leader, the leader had to care about his men. The Awesome Knight was given a small squad of men, and he made sure to care about them like they were his family. He saw that if a leader was reckless, and his men died, that the soldiers didn’t fight as well. So with his own men, the Awesome Knight cherished their lives like his own. And he got undying loyalty from them. He observed from his lord, the air he held. He was listened to when he spoke, and his words were moving. But his lord also was easy to talk with, and his men weren’t afraid to joke about. So the young Knight strove to perfect that. He joked about with his men around the fire, treating them as his equals. But if battle ever came, he made it clear that he was to be listened to without a hesitation.  He saw that corrupt and in-moral leaders we scorned, hated and often demoted or expelled. He made sure to keep his Prussian morals when he fought. He learned on his own it served well to be compassionate. He learned to hide any fear he felt, to always appear calm. It kept his men from becoming chaotic. He was always confident, even if great fear lay in his heart. He was strong, and inspirational. He fought with bravery and loyalty, and asked only of his men what he asked of himself. He fought by their side. He trusted them. And within a year, the Awesome Knights lord retired, and the Awesome Knight took control of the Teutonic Knights. He became the leader he wanted to be. He held the loyalty of his men, their respect, and love. A lesson not taught, but a lesson still learned.”

            Gilbert looked at Ludwig, who had clung to every word.

            He looked much happier now, and more relaxed.

            “So remember, that one day when my time ends… yours will begin. And you, will be the one looked to. You will be the one that leads. One, day mein bruder.”

Did that like majorly suck? Im sorry if it did, really

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