Chapter 8

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The final and saddest chapter

Chapter 8

            The war had ended, to Gil’s relief. But he knew worse things lay ahead. He felt different, not right. With a grim realization he understood.

            “Not now…No…” he spoke, sadly but with grim acceptation

            Ludwig would still need him, after the war he’d need Gil to repair the country…

            Gilbert looked down sadly. He knew he had to tell Ludwig, and as soon as he could too.

            He walked down the hallway into the study, with a reverse sense of de-ja-vu. How many times had Ludwig stumbled into his study to tell him something?

            He stood in the doorway, with a stupid light smile on his face at the memory.

            He walked in, and grabbed a chair, sitting next to Ludwig.

            The stressed and tired blonde looked up at him, haggard expression on his face.

            “What is it bruder?”

            Gilbert thought about how to word this all…

            “Ludwig…mein bruder…there’s something I’ve got to tell you.” He said slowly picking words with care.

            “What is it?”

            “You may…want to stop working for the moment.” Gilbert stated

            Ludwig dropped his pen and leaned back in the chair, looking to Gilbert.

            “You know…how you figured out the Awesome Knight?” he asked

            Ludwig nodded “Yes, why?”

            “Do you remember the lesson that went with me telling you about how you’ll get Prussia one day?”

            He nodded “How to be a good leader…which I’ve failed…” Ludwig muttered

            “Nein!” Gilbert yelled “You didn’t fail. But no, that’s not the lesson Luddy…”

            “Well what was it…?”

            “Think about it…you were eating and I was talking.”

            Ludwig furrowed his eyebrows in thought “I only remember you telling me how to lead.”

            Gilbert sighed “What purpose do I have in giving you the land? Because I felt like it? What did I say in that story?”

            Ludwig looked utterly lost.

            “I won’t always be there for you.” Gilbert stated roughly, this being painful to him

            Ludwig looked like he’d been slapped.

            “W-what do y-you mean bruder?”

            Gilbert met his brothers fear widened blue eyes.

            “I mean, what I said… I won’t always be here.” He looked down, not wanting to see the pain in his younger brother’s eyes.


            “Because Luddy… countries rise and fall. Rome rose, and fell. Rome’s gone… I have raised you; since you were young… you are my brother, my only true family. I love you West, mein bruder. The lessons I’ve taught you, where to make you a good man, a good leader. For I knew, one day you’d have to lead. I tried to teach you right from wrong, and to stand up tall, alone. You are capable of doing it I’ve seen you do it. Now… you’re going to learn to stand alone, without me. You’ll have to pick yourself up from the dirt…I won’t help you up. The thunder and lighten and scary men… I can’t protect you from. Wars, battles, you’ll have to fight alone… There will be no one behind you, I won’t be behind you. No one will be at your side to help…I won’t be there…because I can’t always be there…”

            Silent tears fell down Ludwig face, and even from Gil’s.

            “There has to be a way…” Ludwig sobbed

            Gilbert placed a pale hand on his little brother’s shoulder.

            “There isn’t.”

            Ludwig lost his stoic composure and cried without shame.

            “Ha… hey…how about I tell you a story? They always made you feel better…and maybe this one you’ll learn from too….The Awesome Knight’s final tale…” He said with a faint smile, standing and walking to the couch, where he lay, feeling weaker already. Ludwig solemnly walked and sat near his brother.

            Gil ruffled Ludwig’s hair, messing it up, but Ludwig just gave a shaky smile.

            “The Awesome Knight stood alone in the world. He was weak, he was alone. Age was upon him, and it was time to do what his lord had done to him many years ago…yet this time it would be very different. The Awesome Knight went to his charge, the kid that had become his younger brother. The one he had raised, and had promised to always return to. Who he had promised that he’d always be there to protect him, and help him. The young boy that was his family, and that he promised every time he left, he’d come back. The Awesome Knight dreaded this moment…why wouldn’t it just pass by…or never happen?  With a heavy heart he looked at his brother, and began to speak, I may not be the best man to have ever lived; I may not have been the best brother, or the most responsible or dependable. I may not have always been there…. But now I am, and right now, you’re all that matters. The world will try and knock you down, try to harm and break you…and I, I will not be there to protect you. Men will come and try to take you thing, and push you down and around. You must stand tall…on your own two feet, alone. I won’t be at your side; I will not be there to help you from the dirt. You are to be strong…cry no tears, for I have lived long…I have always meant to teach you, so that one day you could do this on your own. Today…is this day. Today is the day I will leave…today is the day I say my final goodbye…Keep me in your heart, and you will never ever be truly alone. Keep me in your mind…and may the demons of the dark never haunt you. Stand strong…my brother. Forgive the wrongs I have done… forgive me of the times I wasn’t there…forgive me of this moment, where I break my promise and leave you to fend for yourself….forgive me for never saying this often before... I am proud of you…and you have done well…and I am proud to have fought by your side…proud to have called your family…proud to have been the one who raised you…and one more thing Luddy….one more thing I maybe should have said more…Mein bruder….Ich liebe dich…”

            The Awesome Knight fell silent, his crimson eyes that were full of life dimmed, and his pale chest ceased to rise.

            The Awesome Knight was gone.

Now that I’ve mad you all sad/mad…hope you enjoyed the final chapter of Tales of the Awesome Knight!

Thoughts? Feelings? Questions? Comment please

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