Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

            It had been a long time since Gil told Ludwig he would one day be a leader. Ludwig was a growing country now, the representative of Germany. And he was leading his country in a time of war.

            The war was World War One.

            Gilbert was fighting alongside his brother, helping him, but mostly leaving him to fend for himself. Ludwig did a wonderful job of leading the country, and Gilbert was proud.

            Now much else had changed. Gilbert withdrew emotion more, and as a result Ludwig had learned to hide his emotions as well. Gil didn’t like doing it, but a good leader couldn’t be spilling emotion everywhere.

            It was a rather grim day in the trenches. Gilbert walked down, seeing the men huddled together in fear and cold. The ground was mush, and his feet sunk down about an inch with every step.

            It was raining, which didn’t help the condition in the trench at all.

            “What happened to warfare?” He muttered under his breath

            He turned and began to walk back, his hands shoved into his pockets, his gun on his back.

            A light and low whistle blew, and Gilbert’s head snapped up, he listened closely.

            Like a hissing tea kettle, that’s what it sounded like. He rushed and pressed against the wall as the shelling began.

            The bombs fell, spraying earth into the air with deafening booms and vibrating through the earth. The trench hummed with vibration and echo of the boom.

            The bombs continued to fall, and all the soldiers did the same thing, pray.

            Pray the bombs didn’t make it in the trench.

            Gilbert was a bit farther from the rest of the men where he was taking shelter.

            A good thing too.

            One well tossed grenade bounced into the trench, about 20ft away from him, next to the end of the trench.

            Gil had no time to react before it blew up, and set him flying into blackness.

            Other soldiers look the unconscious and bleeding albino to the medics, who in turn alerted Ludwig.

            The young man, who had been the fearless and confident leader up until this point suddenly, was enveloped in fear. He ran blindly to the medics.

            Gilbert was on a cot, his face streaked with dirt, boots a muddy mess, and pants torn and bloody. His torso was wrapped with bandages, and his side seemed to refuse to stop bleeding.

            Ludwig stood silently, watching the medics work over his brother.

            One turned to him “Well he’ll be fine now… that was a close call. If he got hit an inch higher, he’d be dead already. If he hadn’t gotten here when he did, he would’ve bled out.  Well, I take it you want to be alone?”

            Ludwig managed a slight nod, and they left. He sunk down to his knees beside his brother.

            It had to have been two hours before Gil gave a sign of life. The albino twitched and opened one eye slightly.

            He must’ve seen Ludwig because he let out a shaky chuckle “Fine morning eh?”

            Ludwig couldn’t help be laugh a little at his brother. “You damn idiot.” He said

            Gilbert smiled “You know you love the awesome me.”

            “The nearly dead awesome you…” Ludwig said softly

            “Ah… that’s a part of war Luddy… you lose some, you win some. Some die. Some live...” Gilbert spoke slowly

            “What if you had died? Then what?” Ludwig asked worriedly

            “Then you go one with the war.” Gilbert answered flatly

            “B-But how do I do that…”

            “If soldier’s die, the leader hen fights on in their name. If the leader dies, and was loved, the soldier fight on in his name. It’s a part of being a leader Luddy.”

            Ludwig looked at his brother downcast “This is hard…”

            “No one said it was easy bruder.” Gilbert said with a light laugh

            “I don’t know how the great leaders of the past did it.” Ludwig muttered

            “Trial and error. Dying, losing.” Gilbert offered

            Ludwig sighed and put his head in his hands.

            “I’m not even sure if we’ll win this war. And so many have lost their faith…”

            Gilbert looked at his brother “Does that include you?”

            Ludwig was silent.

            Gilbert opened his mouth to speak, but he stopped and smiled before starting

            “On a trampled and bloody battle field the Awesome Knight lay bleeding to death. His chest had been cut open from his hip to shoulder by a well-placed enemy sword.  He was alone, and he was dying. The Awesome Knight lay back and looked at the sky. The war he was fighting was long. And it hadn’t been a pleasant one. Much had been lost. And he knew his life would not be the last thing to be lost. His men, he was sure wouldn’t want to fight. They had lost their will. And will-less soldiers die. And he, the Awesome Knight had even lost his faith. Maybe death wasn’t so bad… He closed his eyes, and almost gave up. But the Awesome Knight remembered, he had duties. He made promises. He needed to return back home, he had family to return to. He swore he’d always return. He had taken an oath before his king, to fight to the end. Not stop the fight and end. He had promised his men, his soldiers, he’d be there to lead them. He couldn’t break those promises. He had also sworn to never give up. And to never lose faith. So what was he doing about to die? He couldn’t. It wasn’t his time yet. He still had things to do. The Awesome Knight grit his teeth, and held his chest. He rolled over, and then with a struggle pushed himself onto his knees. He looked to the sky and with a bitter grin called out, not today. He looked at the enemy lines, so far away now. I will see this war to the end. You have not seen the end of me. He pushed one leg under him, then with all his strength stood. He looked to his men, 100 yards away. I have not lost faith, he spoke. I will lead you on. He struggled over, and almost fell but fought his body and neared them. His second in command was frazzled, and losing his head. But his men saw the Awesome Knight, and they ran to help him. Time went in a blur, and the Knights saved their leader. The Awesome Knight slowly stood, and looked at his second in command. I am still here to lead you, and to guide you. Ask for my help, and I will be there. Keep your faith, keep your fight.”

             And thats that! Hope you liked it

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