Chapter 3

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Dont own hetalia or the cncept of the awesome knight.

Chapter 3

            It had been two years since Gil had last left for war. The country was currently in a downward spiral, as the last king had plunged the economy into the drain, and a great sickness swept the land. The times were of hunger and strife. And it affected everyone, Gilbert was no exception.

            Ludwig had grown a great deal, and was continuing to do so. The castle and life had changed since Gilbert returned from war, as several years had passed. One thing remained the same- Ludwig still held a love for Gilbert’s stories.

            It wasn’t an every night ordeal now, as Ludwig enjoyed reading to himself. And Gilbert, with times as they were, often worked straight through the night.

            But on this particular cold night, Gilbert was squatting down in front of the tiny fire in a vain effort to warm his hands. A stack of parchment lay on his desk, papers having to do with the Teutonic Knights logistics.

            Gilbert yawned and stood, twisting and trying to stretch his tight back.

            “I hate sleeping in chairs” he muttered

            Returning to his desk he sat down, and mulled over the top paper. His stomach rumbled loudly.

            “Damn this famine.” he growled

            A maid wandered into the room

            “Sir? Its dinner.” she called.

            He nodded “I’ll be there, thank you.”

            He stood and went to get Ludwig, who was in the library reading.

            “Come Ludwig, time to eat.”

            Ludwig looked up eagerly, hunger gnawing at his stomach.

            The two brothers walked into the kitchen, and Ludwig sat down. Gilbert looked at the scanty meal before them. Ludwig sat, holding his stomach which made an audible rumble.

            “Eat.” Gilbert said, sitting down.

            Ludwig opened his mouth to speak but Gilbert cut him off with “What was it that you were reading?”

            Between bites Ludwig answered “It was a fairytale.”

            Gilbert nodded, “Was it a good one?”

            He nodded “Not as good as your stories though.”

            Gilbert smiled and thought “How long has it been since I told you one?”

            Ludwig took another bite and shrugged. Gilbert grinned and leaned back in his chair

            “Well now seems like a good time then doesn’t it?”

            Ludwig nodded eagerly and Gil began

            “It was a cold winter and the snow blanketed the ground. The Knights sat near each other, shivering. Their white uniforms blended into the snow nearly perfectly, drawing no warmth from the sun’s dim rays. They had little food, and their stomach yelled in hunger. Their faces were wind burnt, fingers and feet numb. Mind weary and bodies sore. To make matters worse they were lost in the snowy land. The Awesome Knight looked at the position of the sun, figuring it was near dinner he stood and ordered men to get food, as he had for the last two weeks. He hadn’t eaten a ration in over 3 weeks, surviving off of snow and stale bread that he had in his traveling pack. The tired Knights rose and shuffled in the snow, getting their food. He stood alone, his feet sinking into the snow, and his cape bottom soaked. The wind blew, and he shivered, he had no food to warm him inside, and the chain mail encasing him was like ice. One of his Knights trudged through the snow over to him and asked if he had eaten. It was one of his youngest men, just barely a man with room to grow still. He was new to the group, but showed great potential.  The Awesome Knight looked at his soldier and replied, I have not. And it was true. He was the shortest and thinnest of them all, with no fat on him, truly just skin and bone. The man looked down at his shorter leader, and offered food, but The Knight refused. You need it more than I, he spoke. The young man sighed and the Knight chuckled. I have fought through many years, and many cold winters. Hunger is not new to me, and a leader should always put his men, their safety and welfare before himself, the Awesome Knight told the young soldier. The soldier nodded and thanked the Knight before he strode away to eat, and huddle with his friends. The Knight shook his head and turned around, the cold wind biting at him, yet he paying no mind. His simple task was to keep watch, his greater to go hunger, for the sake of his soldiers. For the welfare of his men.”

            Gilbert stopped his tale there, feeling it was enough.

            Ludwig looked up from the empty plate “The Awesome Knight seems like a really good person! And wise too…Maybe I’ll be like him one day!” Ludwig said brightly, smiling as he jumped up from the table and took his plate to the washing bin.

            Gilbert just chuckled to himself, and walked back into his study, his hunger present, but mind content for he was fulfilling his tasks.

any one got guesses on this lesson?

the last one was "Fight bravely, but only with the right purpose." which is a lesson Ludwig wouldve done well to pick up

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