Chapter 1

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I awoke in my bed on one of the hottest day's in June, faffing around with my cover as I tried to get back to sleep in the uncomfortable heat but it was a task. I sat forward and looked at my alarm clock, it was 1:20pm!
After getting ready I packed up my stuff to go down to my dance studio, the best thing about being the CEO was that I could waltz in whatever time I like but i has an annoying habit of being punctual, and my god I was LATE.

Three ice cold hazelnut Frappes and two dance classes later I sat alone in my office, resting up and flying through some of my personal emails that were addresses solely to me and not for my PA. I spotted two emails sent from my friends in Michigan, one being Tanya who I'd not seen for a full year but had kept in regular contact with and another from Karlies aunt Sarah. Just as I read through them Karlie turned up with lunch, smiling all bright eyed and bushy tailed as ever as she came strutting in with her freshly coloured auburn hair, quite the change from the dark brown but she was going lighter, making her way back to the baby blonde she once had,

"That Lambo is a pain to drive, I prefer you Bentley way more" she took a seat opposite from my desk and through down my keys,

"Erm well why don't you go buy your own car and stop complaining at mine, I pay you enough" I chuckled as she passed me my fresh sushi for my lunch,

"It's those bucket seats, I feel like I'm climbing out of a literal fucking bucket" she licked some escaped sauce on her index finger from her meaty looking sub,

"Maybe you don't fit the new seats because of all those packed subs you keep stuffing your face with" I chuckled into the bite of my food,

"Well if that was the case then how the fuck would you get that squatted up hind in and out of those little sports car seats" she shifted her eyes to her tush,

"Extra weight from those subs, like I just said" I mumbled underneath my hand as I attempted to keep my food in from the smile I had on my face with winding her up, she had a gorgeous body and she knew it,

"Have you been talking to Aunt Sarah? She told me she'd sent you an email but had no reply?"

"Yeah... I'm just reading it now, she's umm, she's asking how we all are and if we have any plans to meet her soon"

"I know, she mentioned going over a couple weeks ago, but, I wasn't sure if you wanted to ever go out there again" we both looked at each other in silence,

"Well I don't see why not. I mean it could be good for business, I'm sure I could organize a meeting with the dance agency I used to be with out their, ADF, and you know, talk to them about my own business here, maybe I can get a link up, bring my market to them and their market to us, we could go international"

"Jodie..." She eyed me,
"We both know I'm not talking about your 'business' here..." She quoted with her fingers,

"Oh you're on about Marshall? He wouldn't even know I'm there even if I ever did go back"

"It's been what.. a couple of years almost? Wouldn't you not want to catch up?"

"Why? That's the last thing I would want to do"

"Jodie you too were in love, you was almost engaged, I mean..."

"To be honest, I don't think he was ever that deeply in love with me, otherwise we wouldn't of gone our separate ways like we did... again"

"What? How can you say he didn't love you, the guy almost walked you down the isle did he not?"

"You mean after he kept giving me an engagement and then taking it back because it was bad for his image, no I don't think we even came close to marriage, he fucking played me like a puppet on his hand" I played with the straw in the top of my frappe, dipping it up and down before taking a sip,

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Relapse EraWhere stories live. Discover now