Chapter 15

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After returning back from Hawaii I finally got the chance to spill all to Karlie and Matt, it was nice to be spending the early afternoon with them, chatting away as we ate lunch at some posh brunch restaurant,

"So how're you gonna tackle McNuisance?" Karlie asked whilst peeling a huge prawn, I watched her with disgust as its beady little eyes peeped at me, I loved prawns but not shelled,

"McNuisance, I love that. But, I have no idea" I mixed the camomile tea bag around in the hot water of my little China teacup,

"Oh I'd love to be there"

"You love drama" Matt grinned at her,

"I do, Jodie hates her with a passion so it's a best friends duty to do the same"

"I'm glad you both find this amusing" I sarcastically smirked,

"Do you have to meet with her or is it just a phone call to her?" Matt asked,

"God no way will I go and see her, I'm calling her"

"Jodie would end up killing her are you kidding?"

"Karlie, I'm not exactly a violent person am I"

"Well if some one was 'apparently' dating Matt I'd kick off big time" she cringingly rubbed his shoulder and kissed him,

"Yeah but that's totally different when Matt's not famous"

"Hey ey ey, I have you know people stop and take photos with me all the time" he joked and stroked his jawline,

"I wouldn't care, it's still my man, famous or not" Karlie continued,

"But celebs get labeled with everyone, he even got accused of sleeping around with Kim Basinger when they were filming for 8 Mile"

"You're shitting me" she laughed,

"Seriously, it was in the papers. He had to an interview to clear the air and said it wasn't true, but he would of gone there" we chuckled,

"Fair enough, Kim Basinger is a fucking babe, but that Tracey... Well she's not pretty and she's not exactly in shape either"

"And she's far from his type, this is why I don't get the rumour, if she was good looking enough to be bait then yeah okay, I'd get why rumours would spark, but..."

"Well the only reason I can think of is that it's because he's got a woman working closely with him when apparently he doesn't trust women so why else would she get such an up-close and personal job that's right under his feet"

"I know but then again Marshall would no way work with someone who he's sleeping with. I'd put good money on that"

"Yeah maybe. Anyway how's the dance studio coming along?"

"I get the keys in 3 weeks, I cannot wait.. Oh, hold on" I went into my bag to get my phone that was buzzing away,
"Hey you" it was Marshall,

"Have you called Tracy yet? She hasn't notified me on any new bookings?" I could tell he was sat there with a stupid smile on his face whilst asking me this,

"Why d'you think this is so funny?" I bit my tongue and smiled at Karlie,

"You know I'm goin' back on tour this week so I'd be booking this quick snap if you want this happening"

"Well let's sort it now then?" I heavily sighed, I didn't get what point he was trying to prove, he didn't mind doing it so why did we have to go down the professional way of booking it, it'd be different if it was my parents wanting to meet him,

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Relapse EraWhere stories live. Discover now