Chapter 13

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"Jodie your phones going" Heather alerted me,

"Some random number" my eyebrows narrowed,
"Jodie Mayer..." I put it on loud speaker,

"Oh my god... Oh wow it's really you" a shy voice went all timid,

"It's the girl from the blog" I whispered,

"Hi sweetie" I grinned,

"I thought... Oh wow" she nervously chuckled, "I thought it wouldn't be you, just... I dunno, some machine or"

"No it's really me. Thank you for your kind words on the blog"

"No, honestly thank you for this, wow... Mum I'm on the phone to Eminem's girlfriend.." Her mum told her not to be stupid,
"Seriously mum... My mums a bit of an Eminem fan too"

"That's great. Look um.. Wait what's your name?"

"Skyla... I still can't believe this is happening!"

"Well Skyla as I wrote on my comment back to you, I'm going to set up a meet and greet for you to meet both myself and Eminem, you can bring a friend if you want to... How's that sound?"

"Oh my" she started to happily cry in the background
"Mum I'm meeting Eminem! Mum! Oh my fucking God, wait sorry for swearing! Oh god!"

Myself and Heather giggled between us,

"Is this the number I can reach you on Skyla?"

"Yes! Yes it's um... Sorry I'm just.. It's so overwhelming... Yes this is my cellphone number, you've made my life, thank you so much!!"

"Aww you're more than welcome"

"Oh god this is amazing! I can't wait to tell my friend!!"

"Oh yes what is her name?"

"Amy... We both met you at the Fashion awards, we waited for an hour to see you"

"Okay. Well I do have to go Skyla, again thank you for the support and I will be back in contact with you before the end of next week"

"You've no idea how many tears are rolling down my face, Eminem is my life... I'm like shaking so major, I can't believe this... Jodie thank you!"

"You're welcome, take care"

"I will I will, you too! I'll be attached to my phone even more now"

"I will definitely call you back so don't worry, Cya skyla"


"She was soooo happy!" Heather grinned,

"I know, it just makes me feel so good being able to make somebody feel like that"

"Well you're awesome. You're so selfless, like how you still make time for everyone even when you've took time out from your busy life you still make the time for people on your vacation"

"Hey if I can make somebody happy I will" we clinked glasses, "Oh what time is it?"

"Just gone 9"

"Oh... I'll have to get back"

"Master calls?" She grinned,

"Something like that" I chuckled and finished
my drink,

"It's so crazy to think that Eminem is in the same building as me"

"I totally forgot how much you liked him, we clicked so well I just forgot"

"Mhm, he's a pretty big deal to me, I met him once at a concert I went to with my older cousin, he who which never forgives me because I was the reason he couldn't go to some hotel after party with the whole entourage, I wasn't old enough. I don't really remember it but he never lets me forget it"
Suddenly, I had a MAJOR flashback! My mouth fell open,
"Jodie?" She looked at my shocked face,

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Relapse EraWhere stories live. Discover now