Chapter 18

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I could feel my neck being kissed. My mind wasn't awake as my eyes struggled to open,

"Hmm?" I mumbled as I drifted back into sleep,

"Wake up" Marshall whispered in my ear,

"Is it morning?" I squinted my eyes open, into... darkness,

"Yeah" he pulled at my shoulder, I turned over to face him as he pulled me into his arms, cuddling me back to sleep,

"What time is it?" I whispered as I cuddled him back, I loved using his body as a cushion,


"We don't have to be up for another 3 hours" I grumbled,

"I don't... don't wanna waste no time that's all"

His comment now awakened me, my eyes fully opened, he now had my attention as i sat up and turned on my beside light, rubbing my eyes to wake up quicker,

"Waste time?" I smiled,

"Yeah. You know, sleeping when we could be I dunno... talking or.."

"About what?" I angelically smiled at the sweetest sentence I'd heard come out of his mouth,

"Stuff?" he shrugged,

"How long've you been awake?" I lent back onto him, his arm went back around me,

"About an hour"

"We went to bed at 2 you're going to be knackered"

"I'll sleep on the road, it don't matter" he stroked through my hair and then kissed me,

"What's... on your mind?" I softly asked as I played with his fingers in his lap,

"I dunno..." He heavily sighed,
"Today's gonna test me, I can just, feel it, you know?"

"Mhm" I nodded, I then looked up at him, he was staring at our hands, his eyes fixated as his bottom lip hung loose, his fair eyelashes looked so long as he looked down, I took his face in in great detail, every little beauty spot, the small pimples, the raised hard lump on the left of his jaw and the one to the right of his top lip, his nose and how it was so sharp and sculpted, how the pressed line that ran just slightly above his chin and just below his mouth made the bottom of his cheeks puff out like he was frowning, how his eyebrows were naturally shaped, I even looked at his shaped hair line, he had a couple of spots here and there and under his eyes were slightly darkened underneath but I loved everything, I loved the way his lips were shaped too, he had a sharp Cupid's bow and a juicy bottom lip, it was weird to think of how many women longed to have been this close to look at him in the closest proximity, looking directly at his flesh, being able to feel how his lips felt when pushing into their mouth, how his tongue felt when he used it within a kiss, the amount of pressure he'd apply whilst kissing, how he'd sound when he'd make the little noises into his kisses when he got a little carried away. I knew all of this, yet I was soon to be another one of these women, thinking about all of that when his latest photos would come out, or seeing him on a new video, in time I was bound to forget the way he kissed me, the smell of his cologne... these thoughts had my eyes brimming up with a watery coat, I didn't want to ever be able to forget these things...

"What's wrong?" His voice was tender,

"I don't want to forget.." a tear rolled down my cheek as I smiled,

"Hey, come here" he pulled me to him, I rested my head across his chest as he rested his chin on my head, kissing my hair as he stroked it, "Don't cry... You know I can't take that shit" he made me smile,

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Relapse EraWhere stories live. Discover now