Chapter 10

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I'd taken Karlie with me to Kalamazoo to help decide whether or not the studio that had become available for purchase was suitable or not, she had a really good eye for buildings and their faults where as I would be sucked in if it looked pretty.

"Well we aren't far out" I joked sarcastically and slowed down as I drove through a stone archway,

"It's a nice area" Karlie sure was right as the road took us just off the main road. We soon came to the Fred Astaire dance studios which was half way down the street, it looked really classy. I parked up besides a black Bentley in the private car park, as soon as my handbrake went up a gentleman jumped out of the car in a navy blue suit and eagerly waited for us at the front doors of the wide red brick building,

"Ah Miss Mayer" The estate agent approached me as I put my handbag up my arm, Karlie handed me my folder,

"Hello" I shook his hand,

"Are you ready to view?" He wiggled some keys,

"Certainly am" I nodded,
"I hope it's perfect" I whispered to Karlie as we followed the guy around the left side and to the actual entrance,

"So Miss Mayer, this is the notorious Fred Astaire Dance studio, it's one of many across the world, and it's a very exquisite business aimed at higher class society, mainly here they teach contemporary ballroom and ballet, also to bare in mind they host wedding receptions here too, which could boost your sales if you thought about carrying on this tradition" As soon as I walked into the reception I instantly loved the theme, sparkly and block golds, dark woods, soft browns and nudes, it was modern too so the only thing that needed adjusting was the sign above the reception desk,
"Okay so as we move through the main reception this way we come to a lift down the end of this corridor which takes you to the different floors. At opposite end of reception are the changing rooms and stairs and I see that you're in heels" he made us laugh, myself and Karlie wouldn't of be seen dead in flats on an official visit,

"How amazing is this lift?" Karlie was right, it was a beautiful feature,

"I actually agree it's really nice, the whole place is" I was growing ever more nervous as the sale price in my head was going up and up and up, inside it was black marble affect for the bottom half and for the top half it was mirrored panels with a gold guilt hand railing running all around,

"So you have two floors, you have the ground floor where the main dance studio is and the reception floor that holds the dance hall which can also be used as a function room or studio, it also has a private executive office to work from, there's also a surprise room next to the changing rooms, but first I'm going to show you the main dance studio,

"I really love how this place is set out" I commented as the lift went down,

"Set for the best Miss. Mayer" he nodded,
"After you" the lift pinged and the doors slid open,
"I'll let you have a walk around this beautiful spacious hall"

"Seriously now... This is.." I gushed, "It's so perfect"

"You won't be able to afford this Jodie" Karlie could see I was getting way too excited,

"I'll sell up in England if I have to, I have a potential buyer" I ran my hand along the dance beam,

"You'd do that to your students Jodie?"

"Karlie look at this place!" I walked around the studio, imagining myself teaching in this beautiful building,

"I know the view only carries out into the lower car park but the room compensates right?"

"Oh there's another car park?"

"Yes, follow the little road that goes around the right hand side of the building and down the gradient"

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