Chapter 20

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"Jodie?" Clara came into my suite,

"Yes Clara?" I continued to email,

"You've been called for an emergency meeting with Mr. Romano at 7pm"

"You're joking me?" I looked up, my fingers froze mid-typing,

"I'm afraid not, he said to dress in evening attire as it includes an executive meal, I believe it's being held in New York at The Empire Estate building, your flight is booked to leave in exactly one hour"

"In an hour?! Clara I'm not even ready and it's like what.. 4PM?" A rush of panic flushed me,

"Don't worry, I'll have a stylist waiting for you in your hotel suite of The Four Seasons, the flight should take just over an hour and The Empire State is a ten minute drive away from the hotel, you will have plenty of time"

"You just said my flight leaves in an hour though? I can't pack in an hour"

"All you need to do is choose an evening gown, you'll have your hair and make up done when you arrive"

"God sake, he knows how to make a woman rush and I HATE rushing" I shut down my laptop and jumped up and off from my office sofa.

I was dressed in a beautiful pale green floor length gown that flowed so weightlessly like my hair that was worn down and in voluptuous luscious brown waves. As I arrived in the privately hired car I was photographed but dodged the shot well by turning my head and hiding behind my hair. Even after splitting with Marshall I'd still have press hounding me from time to time.
I was escorted to the Empire State Building, I couldn't even comprehend how beautiful the decor was, it was absolutely breathtaking. I was turning heads with each step that I took, and to be honest it felt nice to have that boost of confidence because since the split it had been shattered. I was informed to head to the observation/main deck on the 86TH floor, great for a woman who HATED heights.

I took a moment to take it all in as my heels echoed on the striped marble floor, I felt like I was in a movie, well, this had been a top class filming spot to many movies.
All was deadly quiet as I walked through the floor to the entrance of the outside, a key tourist point to look over New York. I was terrified as I walked out, but then that fear vanished as the view took over my mind.
The deck wrapped around the building's spire, providing 360-degree views of New York and beyond. I had a one-of-a-kind view of Central Park, The Hudson River and East River, The Brooklyn Bridge, Times Square, The Statue of Liberty, and much more. The whole city was lit up and twinkling against a deep blue sky that was turning to the late evening, where was everyone? I looked in my clutch bag for my phone, it was 7:15pm already, yet I was the only one on the floor.
I walked up to the balcony and rested my arms along the brim of the wall as I looked at the never ending landscape of buildings and lights,

"Alone?" I jumped in my skin as I turned around to find the voice,

"What.. what are you doing here?" My jaw dropped,

"Romano? He ain't coming." Marshall came from the door way,

"I... I don't understand?" I frowned in sheer confusion,

"You look real beautiful Jodie" he gave me a sincere compliment,

"Have you hired this whole deck out?" I looked around us,

"Does it matter?"

"It does. Why am I here? We aren't even.."

"I need you to here me out. And then, depending on how this goes to down we can either walk away or.."

"No. No don't you even dare say you're expecting something else to come from this. You don't get to do this to me Marshall. You made your bed"
I put my head in my hands and tried to walk past him but he gripped my shoulders, stopping me from leaving,

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Relapse EraWhere stories live. Discover now