Chapter 27

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I was so surprised that after 7 months nothing had even broke about my pregnancy. It'd been a rough few months at the beginning but we'd pulled through the many escalated arguments and the roller coaster ride of emotions from not only myself but from Marshall too.
The midwife was sat with me ready to begin privately assessing me in the privacy of our own bedroom, obviously I couldn't of been seen going publicly to the hospital with my big bump so the hospital came to us, that was the great thing about dating a super famous somebody, they had the money to set up anything.
Before finding out we was having a beautiful little boy I had been diagnosed with preeclampsia from the pregnancy which wasn't good, recently I'd also been bleeding and cramping so I had to have an emergency reassurance scan to see if the baby was still doing okay. I had notice that i'd not felt him move for a couple of days, leaving it to see if he would perk up and maybe he was just sleeping whilst I was awake but after the second day I couldn't leave it any longer.
My anatomy scan hadn't been entirely good as our little boy wasn't growing as expected and was always under the curve of the growth chart and we had also been told that it looked as though the flow to the placenta to the baby wasn't 100% but baby was getting what he needed. However being told this something in my gut just didn't sit right, I felt... different after the movements had stopped.
I was very tearful as the midwife spoke through things to me now that she'd set up her equipment, I was lead down as she applied the gel, I gasped and closed my eyes as she proceeded with the scan,

"Jodie when baby grows too slowly, the risk of stillbirth increases"

"I know..." I mumbled, dreading if anything had happened. There was such a horrible silence as minutes passed us by as she constantly moved her wand around, again this didn't feel right,

"Okay" she whispered, I wasn't looking but she was taking longer than usual,

"Ay sorry baby, I'm here now" I opened my eyes to the sound of Marshall, he came and sat down with me, I instantly took ahold of his hand as he leaned over, kissed my forehead and then stroked over my hair,

"Have you heard the heartbeat yet?" He looked deeply concerned,

"I'm having difficulty locating it" she sounded sorrowful, at this I started to cry,

"Okay Jodie... You can sit up now sweetheart" she handed me some blue tissue to wipe off the gel,

"You couldn't find a heartbeat could you?" I sobbed,

"Nah. Cmon, he's just developing slower and small, that'll make it harder to find the heartbeat right?" Marshall sounded panicked,

"I'm afraid not"

"No" I choked up,

"You got it wrong, your machine it must be broke.. I'll take her to a hospital"

"Mr. Mathers my findings are certain." We all fell silent,
"I'm so very sorry for your loss" her words echoed through me, all I could see was a blurry outline of my surroundings as tears filled up my eyes,

"Jodie don't listen, we'll take you down to the hospital, get a second opinion, he ain't dead, why the fuck... what" he lost track of what he was saying as I continued to remain strangled of air,

"We can take you now if you wish for a second approval but I'm afraid my scan has shown to me that baby had stopped growing and no heartbeat was present, baby was also in a position that indicates fetal death. I know this is such a devastating shock but we will offer all the help in which you both will maybe want, or need"

"I don't, I don't want a second approval... I..." I broke down in tears, wrapping my arms around my stomach as I leant forward producing a painfully loud cry of the word "No"

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Relapse EraWhere stories live. Discover now