Chapter 17

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The morning was really busy with people in and out of the house sorting out anything and everything to do with the tour so that Marshall was ready to jet off tomorrow without any hitches.
I was helping with Hailie and Alaina as we stayed out at the back of the house by the pool having breakfast whilst all the chaos went on inside.
I presumed Marshall was inside with the his tour and road manager and someone they called 'The Rider' who basically handled catering, production, sound, lights, security, general show, and legal issues. Someone had even dropped off my luggage back at the hotel I was originally staying at with
Karlie which was nice of them to do and save me a job of getting it there.

I was notified that Betty had arrived to collect the girls, this was my goodbye,

"Right ladies, your grandma is here, can I get a huuuge hug please?"

"Like you had to ask" Alina rolled her eyes as they both came over and squeezed me,

"I don't want you to go" Hailie slumped her head and cuddled me again, I pulled her up on my lap,

"I know Hailie, but hey how much fun have we had hmm?"

"I know but... daddy's never been happier and... I like the way you do my hair"

"Well just think of it as a holiday together, and now it's kind of over and we've got to get back to normal. It doesn't seem fun at first but we have those amazing memories to think about in our spare time, and we all will still be in contact. Just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean we can't still talk and laugh right,"

"Mhmm" she nodded, our attention was pulled to one of the security guards who called them both over,

"Have a lovely time girls, we will speak soon okay?" They both nodded and ran over to the guard who was taking them to Betty, I checked my watch, it was time for us to leave this madness to go to the meet and greet at St. Andrews.

"I've never been here with it so... empty" myself and Marshall now stood in the underground performance hall official known as The Shelter, he walked around with a fond facial expression,

"It looks a lot smaller in the film" I looked around too,

"That's because we didn't actually film here. You know, the scenes were rammed full of local volunteers"

"Volunteers? So they weren't paid extras?"

"No. All locals. Professionals won't get bored of waiting around or restless but these weren't and there was like 300 of them, and because the battle scenes took days to film Curtis had to initiate an improv freestyle battle among them to stimulate them... the top three winners were be filmed going head to head with me, it was a genius idea"

"That is"

"Yea... the volunteers got like.. 15 seconds in front of the judiciary panel. Ultimately, the jury chose 4 rappers, but I wanted to mime my responses to save my voice for the scripted scenes... But I couldn't resist the challenge by staying silent, especially with the crowd taunting me and the artists thinking they were gonna get away with taking shots, so I took them on, it's all down on the DVD extras"

"I bet they was quite surprised when you opened your mouth"

"Yea they really was, they had their asses handed to 'em it was all in good spirit though" he jumped up on the little raised platform of a stage,
"It's weird to think how it all kind of stemmed from here, me and Proof, you know"

"Do you know the guy in the film, who hosts the battles, was he actually based on Proof?"

"Future? Yea he's based almost entirely on Proof, from hosting the battles to the story of how he got his name and the dreads. Proof managed to sneak in his name as an acronym when he rapped the line, 'I'll (P)unish (R)abbit (O)r (O)bsolete (F)uture.' when he's going head to head with Rabbit"
It took me a second to get it,

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Relapse EraWhere stories live. Discover now