Chapter 7

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I had ended up hopping back and fourth between Marshall's and the hotel for the following week, spreading my time equally between him and Karlie whilst also attending various meetings for my business. It'd been rather hectic but I was loving how everything was going, I'd even given a speech at a university to influence business students, I was in a great place and I was cherishing every moment, not letting one day slip me by which I took for granted.

As I queued up for my hazelnut frappe a young boy, around perhaps 7 years old approached me with the sweetest smile,
"Miss, this is for you" he waved me to come down to his level,

"What is?" I smiled, he cutely kissed me on the cheek!

"It's from him m, over there" he then pointed behind us,

"Tyler" I smiled to myself,
"Hi" I waved and collected my drink, the little boy took my free hand and walked me over,

"Come sit with us" the little boy took a seat in the booth Tyler was sat at,

"This is my little nephew, Ben" Tyler was kind of blushing as his eyes stayed on me,

"I would love to Ben, but I'm really busy" I stroked his head as he tucked into some ice cream,

"Just two seconds of your time?" Tyler puppy eyed me,

"Two seconds." I sat down with them,
"How've you been?" I asked,

"I've been good. Not doing the community service at the Uni anymore"

"Oh no?"

"No, they said I could pay off the damages so I did. Oh, and I got a trial for a professional American football league"

"That's great news Tyler, congratulations"

"I wanna see uncle Tyler on TV" Ben smiled,

"It's a long shot but it could happen" he fist pumped his nephew,

"I wanna be big and strong like him too" he nodded as he took another big mouthful of ice cream,

"We'll train you up champ" Tyler cutely laughed,
"Are you free for a drink sometime? Strictly as friends, it'd be good to catch up?"

"Uhm.. I'm not sure because new plans happen every day so.."

"Do you have tonight free?"

"Erm... I think so, I mean.."

"Okay, well I'll pick you up at 8 and we'll go have a drink?"

"As friends" I made sure that I got that point across,

"Strictly no funny business" he winked,

"Okay, I guess that I could do with a drink out somewhere anyhow" I nodded and smiled,

"Where do I pick you up from?"

"The hotel, I'm still there"

"Okay cool" he watched me stand up,

"Nice to meet you pretty lady" Ben stuck out his hand,

"Aww you are just so sweet" I shook his hand, "lovely to meet you too Ben"

"Take care Jodie" Tyler nodded his head,

"You too, see you later"

"Matt wants to know if we can come along?" Karlie asked me as I finished applying my lipstick in the mirror,

"I don't see why not, it's not a date" I pouted in the mirror, I wore a gorgeous Gucci jumpsuit which had a matching belt to accentuate me waistline. I wore it with some nude strapped Chanel heels and teamed it with a nude clutch,

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Relapse EraWhere stories live. Discover now