Arrival of a Primarch

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The battle was a stunning loss, and the Primarchs, specifically Horus knew how to exploit it. Stormbirds, using the knowledge of taken from the defecting imperial forces flew to each major city in the Empire, dropping the thousands of pieces of ruined swords and spears of the Falmart legionnaires.

The Primarchs, still wishing to be the "victims" of the war kept their forces around the fields near Alnus Hill, biding their time and reaction. Meanwhile the Capitol was in uproar, many of those old and wealthy senators had their sons within that army, the army that would retake the holy Alnus Hill. And now either those sons were dead or defected.

The defectors numbered nearly seven thousand legionnaires, who were collecting and burying the dead. The Astartes were doing maintenance on their war machines along with hundreds of Enginseers and Techpriests.

The Primarchs themselves, were gathered inside the innermost sanctum of the fortress, dug and built deep inside Alnus Hill. The light blue hue of the newly formed map of Falmart, stolen from one of the pack miles that were left behind and copied, it was handed out to each company within the Fortress. Major cities and well-known forts were named on the map, while smaller villages and towns were simply marked with a grouping of buildings, resembling those of Guillimans home in Ultramar.

"Brothers, we have learned that the enemy's capital is open for invasion. Even if it hadn't been we still would've taken it without any losses. Still, we should be cautious. We still have no idea as to who created the Gate, and should they be powerful, perhaps even more powerful than you and I, then perhaps they will reveal themselves should we prove too hostile. Thus we shall be more slow in taking this world in compliance. Perhaps a diplomatic mission?" Horus stated, looking at each of his brothers. He knew Sanguinius would have an immediate affect on these Feudals but what would it be better if he remained to aid him? Dorn was a military commander and far too stoic and honest for it. Guilliman, yes him. He shall do well in this.

"Dorn, you know well why I won't allow you to go. Sanguinius too. Guilliman, you remain to be chosen. You're an administrator and know better than all of us how to deal with mortal noblemen. I need you to go." Horus said, his voice tinted with melancholy at seeing a brother of his go, even if they both wished to be warmaster before Ullanor.

"Aye, I shall go. Perhaps I shall do even better than most worlds I've brought into compliance, considering their culture seems similar to my homeworld's own. I'll gather my Honor Guard and set off."

Guilliman left, his armored footsteps echoing off the ceramite walls. And Dorn, with his ever so famous honesty and stone-like demeanor kicked into effect.

"He is filled with choler." With a sigh Horus looked at his closet brother, Sanguinius for aid. The golden haired angel simply flapped their wings.


"The entire army was annihilated in less than even five minutes! The entire army was annihilated before even seeing the enemy! Impossible." The Senate was in an uproar, over forty thousand soldiers killed, five thousand of which were knights, including a thousand Wyverns? It was an army to be feared and yet it was utterly destroyed before they met the enemy in honorable combat.

"We should gather the entire army! Conscript from the slums and the villages and send them to take Alnus Hill!"
One particularly bloodthirsty senator stated, his features weathered by the ages and his voice was no longer as smooth and powerful as it was once before in his youth.

"And get destroyed by the invaders!?" The other senator was middle age, his hair having not been marked with grey, his patrician features typical of the noblemen of the Empire. He was Casel El Tiberius, leader of the senate and the newly dubbed, pro-peace faction. He felt disdain for these invaders from beyond the Gate but still, he preferred peace as trade would've been disrupted due to the war.

"Silence, Casel! You were always a bastardly coward!" With this insult the Senate erupted into a fury of more insults and shouting, leaving the emperor, Molt to await for the right time to demand silence. He thought back to the tearful cries of the General who had arrived as ragged as the rider from a week prior. He was worried, worried about a force of giants encased in metal armor and swords as long as the height of a man. With metal dragons that flew faster than a dragon and so powerful that they could slay wyverns near instantly.

He looked at all those old and proud senators, both clean and corrupt before standing up.

"Enough! We shall reconvene tomorrow noon." The heated shouting ceased near instantaneously and the Senators began to file out of the Senate House, to relax, drink, or plot. Perhaps all three.

He sighed, turning his head to nod to Marcus to follow him as they headed for his carriage and thus the Imperial Palace.


The Apophis Pattern Stormbird was fast for being such a monstrous size. It was armed well, six lascannons and four heavy bolters. And now it carried a Primarch along with fifteen of his Honor Guard, following them another pair of smaller Warhawk pattern Stormbirds, carrying another ten Honor Guard each. Wielding power and force weapons they were a force to be reckoned with, even in the terms of the thirtieth millennium.

"Lord Primarch, smoke spotted a klick to the south." The pilot Astarte's voice echoed through the chamber where the Honor Guard and Guilliman stood.

"Maintain formation, redirect towards smoke." There was no reply except the trio of powerful transports turning towards the site of where the smoke was spotted. The Honor Guard were silent, satisfied with being in the presence of their gene-father.

The transports blasted through the air, quickly approaching the smoke site. The transport lowered just above the tree line and opened its jaw like ramp, exposing the Primarch and his Honor Guard. Without any hesitation and with the precision so famed the Astartes are.

They jumped.


News had spread throughout the capital quickly, when many of the middle and lower class saw the ragged remains of the Sadaeren garrison return from the now dubbed, Battle of Alnus Hill. But behind members of the military aristocracy it was often called the Slaughter of Alnus Hill.

The news even quickly arrived to the client nations of Falmart, all beginning to plot their individual or perhaps even a united effort to break away from their servitude to the Empire. Or even swear allegiance  to these new "Iron Giants" and especially the Golden Angel that was thought to be their king.

Now with the senate baying for blood and vengeance, and the aristocracy up in arms, all armies were being recalled to take Alnus Hill from the giants, even satrapies and client nations were being forced to send forces, halting the plans of many a king.

This leads to a order, an order of young and old knights, ready for battle for their homeland. The Rose-Order.

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