Negotiations and Arrival of Arrogance

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"Lord Defiance, three vessels on route, Lord Guilliman has arrived with the refugees." Rogal Dorn did not react, simply staring out at the construction site. It was lightly defended, the base. In the standards of the 30th millennium, I wouldn't have been much to stop a Legio Astartes force. But it was overkill for the feudals, and no matter how large their force, they would never be able to take the fortress known as Nova Terra #0001.

The three gunships landed, and opened their huge maws to a gathered group of menials and Astartes, the menials carrying foodstuffs and supplies, and the Astartes to welcome back Guilliman. The refugees were well, astounded. The place was huge, in comparison to their original homes.

And this certainly impressed a certain blue haired girl...


The Astartes could barely fit through the door into the main hall of the palace. Four of them entered, two Luna Wolves, an Ultramarine Captain, and a Blood Angels commander. Helmets off, attached to their thigh plates.

They towered over their human opposites, noble looking warriors they looked down at the human feudals.

Pina didn't know what to say. They could take what they wanted, but they were entering negotiations. The one that called himself Loken was a bit shorter than the his fellow "Luna Wolf" but taller than the one called an "Ultramarine." She supposed these were they're versions of knights.

Pina gulped in her nervousness.

"Where to begin..." She mumbled, not realizing the biological enhancements given to the Astartes allowed them to hear her as clear as day.

"The conditions of the surrender of your Empire." The one with short hair stated, the blonde one Loken.

Pina panicked slightly. But she wasn't surprised. Though she wanted to make peace and maintain the independence of her people, she knew that it would lead to more devastation. Plus she had never done this before, negotiations that carried the weight of nations.

Minor scaled ones yes, but this? She wouldn't have imagined she had to do this.

"You are a captain yes?" Hamilton asked, Loken turned to her, and without missing a beat.

"Yes." His response was quick, and Hamilton nodded barely noticeable for normal human eyes. But easily for the eyes of Astartes.

Hamilton chose to speak again, but made sure she didn't sound disrespectful as she said, "Since you are a Captain, why are we negotiating with you? And not, at the least, the Angel the generals of the first army saw." Loken was silent, his eyes burying into Hamilton's very character.

"Lord Sanguinius, along with his brothers, Rogal Dorn, Horus Lupercal, and Roboute Guilliman have granted me the right to settle a peace before they come to your capital to settle a more detailed document of your people's compliance."

Pina's eyes widened. The Angel who had made thousands of the Empire's most loyal soldiers turn defector had brothers. Brothers likely to be as powerful or at least nearly powerful as the Angel.

"Now that you've finished, we shall begin."


Zorzal laughed. Only a couple ten thousand men. Only that many had died. No matter. He'll defeat these would-be invaders soon enough. He had returned from his conquest of the Bunny Warriors, slaughtering many of them and taking many of them as slaves.

It was a good war. Maybe they had lost ten of thousands of soldiers and knights, but they could always recover. And now with the arrival of these giant invaders, he'd enslave them and take the world beyond the gate.

But first, he was in the Capital to rest, relax and gather more filthy auxiliaries.

And so that's where he found himself, within his chamber inside the imperial palace within the capital. His slave, the former queen of the bunny warriors, Tyuule was now whimpering below him as he pleasured himself.

It was a good day.


The menials were drilling out in the newly created fortress-barracks constructed by servitors and the menials themselves, overseen by representatives of the Mechanicum and tech-marines of the Imperial Fists.

The new arrivals numbered in the dozens, a small hamlet worths of people, or a tiny outpost. Even the most frontier of outposts of the Imperium had hundreds to thousands of servitors, tech-priests and Imperial Army personnel.

So the thought to be needed housing and buildings were too much for what was actually being used by the newly dubbed refugees.

But what housing and facilities provided to the refugees was of far greater quality than the had expected. Instead of being treated like prisoners or foreigners, they were treated like lost cousins and brethren to these iron giants and metal men.

The Primarchs, seeing the opportunity these new refugees provided, sent an order to the menials to begin the refugees integration into the new colony. They would serve to aid in the finishing touches for the colony.

Thats when the Imperial Fists began to plan. To begin the construction on a building that would aid in the speeding up of the Imperium's urban expansion upon the planet. Soon, if the Imperial Fists fully finished this project, it was predicted that the Saderan Empire would suffer such desertions that they would have barely any fighting bodies left to resist the Imperium.

And as the Imperium began to fully start up their colonization of the continent. A portal opens... and little green men begin to explore a new world.

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