Construction and Exploration

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The silver plated knights were still on the road, along with their younger looking companion. In front of them stood two of the giants who had decimated the forces of the Saderan Empire. Both were in silver plate, dark grey wolf heads upon their shoulders.

In their hands they carried boxes with curved attaches on the bottom. Beefeater held up her hand, stopping her fellow knights, their hands on the handles of their swords. She had heard the stories of these warriors might. Blades were attached to their what she assumed to be, hips. To her they looked like short swords but when comparing the large metal giants hands to the blades, they were knives.

She gulped, not knowing what to do exactly, but she was a knight, and she would not allow these two to stand in her way to Italica. The giant on her right spoke for the two of them, his or it's voice harsh and like a bark from a hound. It's accent was heavy to say the least, though she partially expected such.

"Who are you." It asked, raising the box in it's hands and aimed it towards Beefeater and the rest of the Rose Order. She can hear Bozes grown, prepared to pull her sword out of its sheath in response to this perceived disrespect.

Beefeater was tempted to join along with her, had the stories not reached her ears. She straightened her back, picking her chin up. She signaled Bozes to calm, reaching behind her and waving her down. Then she turned back to the metal giants and spoke,

"Beefeater E Caty of the Rose Order. Who are you?" She then asked in response, tightening her grip on the reins of her horse.

"Ulastur Oregaddadon. Luna Wolves XV Legion. Tenth Company, second squadron. What are your intentions in Italica."

Beefeater could sense the unease and hot fury almost pouring out of Bozes. She knew Bozes was on the verge of simply pulling her sword out of its sheath and charging at the giant. She reached over, grabbing and holding Bozes' wrist firmly.

"To help Princess Pina to defend the city of Italica." She wondered what these giants were doing this far from Alnus Hill.

The giant stood silent, it's metal box aimed towards her and the rest of the Rose-Order. Would she die this day?


"Hey watch it!" Itami jumped back, wobbling but eventually standing on his feet, a metal beam falling in front of him. Itami stared at the beam for a moment and simply shook his head. He still wondered what the hell he was doing here.

He jumped over the beam, cracking his gloved knuckles to loosen them up and continued his path to the green painted LAV that awaited him. The Third Recon team was there, finishing up the last preparations for their recon mission. Loading up the M2 Browning with its ammunition and stocking the vehicles with a few canisters of extra fuel.

"Alright, get mounted up everybody and keep that Browning trained on anything that moves." Itami ordered, grabbing one of three Howa type 64 rifles. He brought it up to his neck, looking down and checking the chamber and saw that it was loaded. He flipped the safety on before opening the front passenger seat and crawling inside, followed by the driver, Tomita.

The gate to the in process of being built fence perimeter began to open as the vehicles of the Third Recon began to start up, Itami holding his rifle between his legs, looking out the window wondering what they'll discover out there.

He picked his rifle back up and inspected it once more, hoping it'd be enough against any threats. Hopefully.


A sudden hum erupted from the middle of Nova Terra, a blue sphere erupted from four great pillars, spreading out and encompassing much of the camp, except for the outskirts where refugees had begun to set their current homes in.

Rogal Dorn was overseeing the further construction and development of the new settlement, while Sanguinius and his personal guard were sent by his brothers to raise the moral of the new menials and the civilian populace.

Horus was on the other side of the Gate, taking two hundred of his Astartes back with him to personally report to his father as well as checking upon the rest of his legion.

Guilliman, for his part, was running the day-to-day running of the new settlement, his eyes quickly analyzing a several dozen paged dataslate on the personal requests of the local populace. Many of these mainly concerning to more specific matters that wouldn't require a more encompassing edict. His vox rune lit, clean words, lined with a Terran accent, informing him of the arrival of a certain Belisaurius Cawl. A Magos of some note and some radical ideas.

He was a useful ally to have within the often dogmatic and religious Mechanicum.

He'd need to speak to him later however, Garviel Loken of the Luna Wolves tenth was placed under his command before his brother Horus left. And he had reported that the negotiations for compliance had begun and as such, humbly requested the presence of the Primarch.

He stepped away from the thick wooden table covered in neatly stacked parchment and dataslates, activating his vox system and informing for a Stormbird to be readied for him.

He was going to meet this princess, personally.

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