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"Lord Primarch, why must we evacuate these mortals?" The pilot asks, his armor red from the training and blessings of the Mechanicus.

"To more easily gain the trust of them. It'll be helpful for them to begin to spread the news of our more hospitable might." The Primarch replies, with the pilot silencing himself once more as he continues to pilot the transport towards the nearby village, accompanying two others who were modified to hold mortals.

The Stormravens arrived at the village, watching the people scatter in panic into their thatch-roofed houses.

"All Ravens, land in the perimeter of the village. Helmets off, let's try to show them our more..." The pilot paused for but a nanosecond. Thinking about how they were human yet not.

"Human features."

The Ultramarine Honor Guard didn't respond except with the hissing and clicking of helmets detaching from their power suits. The so called Elf stared at the giants, whose features were statuesque and patrician. Many were partially scarred, bullet holes, blade cuts, and burns. All symbols of war.

The stormravens touched down, their enormous mouths opening up and revealing the Ultramarine Honor Guard. The Honor Guard took off and meeting in the village center.

"Orders on how to proceed, Lord Primarch?"

"Be human."


The Princess and her order had arrived, at the gates of Italica. Said gates were open, with merchants, blacksmiths, and lowly farmers coming into its bustling markets to sell their wares. The city was prospering. But it had a flaw.

The lack of any proper military force to defend it, even from bandits. All it had were merchants, boys, and ancient veterans who were more closer to die of old age than on the battlefield.

Though it did have walls as a must, like most cities of its size, unless they had a mighty army then they would have mighty walls.

And thus, this was the seat of Clan Formal. Whos head had died and a child taking the seat.

The Prince rode through the streets, her horse a mighty beast compared to the horses of field hands and farmers. Hers was a horse bred for war.

And is wholly inadequate compared to the horses of the Imperium.

She and her knights stopped at a set of stables, placed by the main gate of Count Formal's estate which opened, leading to the new head of Clan Formal and her maid troupe.

Myui Formal.

The Princess smiled walking toward the Countess with a friendly jump to each of her steps.

The day may not be so bad after all....


The bandits huddled around the campfire, a dead hog roasting above it. It was a good day for the bandits.

They had a good thing going for them. Traders paying their tolls and isolated farmers paying them protection.

The day was good.

The moon shined bright upon them, adding a serene feel to the woods around them.

But also a sense of foreboding.

But they ignored it. It of course, slowly marched towards them, the smile of a natural killer upon her face.

She had come for her due.
(A short one today, kinda feeling stuck a bit. Will read a hit of the manga and watch a bit of the anime and then start on part 8)

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