A Golden Angel

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Sanguinius watched the sun rise from the east, his wings partially outstretched for his comfort. He was accompanied by ten of his sons. Golden armored, stern masked angels with mechanical jump packs attached to their armors power pack. The Ikisat.

"There is smoke in the horizon." The Golden Angel spoke, his eyes staring out. The Ikisiat looked at each other, before turning back towards the general direction that Sanguinius stared at, eventually spotting said smoke.

"Indeed there is Primarch."  One stated, blond like his father. He was named Azkaellon.

A shadow loomed, larger than even the Primarch, over the site of the shadow. In the shape of a winged beast.


The King of Elbe was displeased. He and his fellow kings were being forced to march onto the death trap once known as Alnus Hill, with tens of thousands of humanoids and men being called to arms to fight this "foreign invader." Knowing the Empire they probably attacked first.

There were other vassal states present, like Toumaren and Alguna. All forced to fight for the Empire. So as they traveled the long rode to Alnus Hill, they expected piles of at least burnt corpses. But no. All they found were respectfully buried mounds, thousands of them each with a legionary helmet. Each for a Imperial legionnaire. Though the Auxiliaries seem to have had all their bodies burned and put into mass graves. Judging by the huge dirt mounds.

Then they come into sight of Alnus Hill, now fully fortified and manned by thousands of Imperial Fists, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, and Luna Wolves. With gigantic war machines ready to rain hell fire upon the vassals.

That's when they heard it. A whistle. A strange whining in the air, and hell broke loose as the middle of the column erupted in a shower of gore and dirt. Dozens of men were killed and hundreds more killed as bolt rounds, missiles, and artillery shells pounded the column. It was utter catastrophe.

Men broke and ran, doing to the smart thing. Others tried to run for the trees before being gunned down by hidden Luna Wolves and Blood Angels who charged with power swords, axes, and hammers. They slaughtered all those who opposed them, leaving none in their wake.

King Duran was horrified, terrified even. In all his years he's never seen such blood being shed. That's when an artillery shell knocked him from his horse.


The Honor Guard and their Primarch landed onto the burnt down village with a cloud of dust, putting out nearby embers and flames.

"Survey area for survivors. Three Astartes to scout out perimeter. Four to remain with me." And with that the Honor Guard were off, in directions with less burnt out areas or to scout out the area under the forest canopy.

That's when the Primarch heard it. A heartbeat. Similar to a humans, yet different. The Primarch motioned with a flick of his power fist and approaches the well in the center of the village, hearing the heartbeat louder and louder as he approached.

"Get a rope." He simply says, a single Honor Guard going off in search of one. The Primarch listened in onto the heartbeat, it's speed, how hard it simply was beating. The mortal was awake. Good. The Primarch removed his helmet, in shape similar to that of his Astartes and the mortal legionnaires of Ultramar.

"Is it human, Lord Primarch." The Primarch turned his bulk towards the Honor Guard who had spoken and nodded, turning back to the well.

"Perhaps," And was stopped from speaking further by the appearance of the Honor Guard who was searching for a rope.

"Lord Primarch." He said, extending an arm, wielding the bundle of rope.

"The mortal is awake. Set the rope down." The Honor Guard nodded, marching pass the Primarch and to the well, unbundling the rope before letting it down the well. The Honor Guard held the rope with one hand and with his other removed his helmet, revealing a face similar to the Primarchs, service studs decorating his forehead right above his eye brows.

"What if the mortal is uncooperative?" Another Honor Guard asked, his hand rested upon the pommel of his chain axe.

"Then we shall leave her." The Honor Guard stood silent, they were far apart from Humanity yet were created to stand alongside it.

"Lord Primarch, the mortal is climbing the rope." The Honor Guard who held the rope stated, Vox runes glowing with esoteric light as they activated through the armor of each Ultramarine and their Primarch.

And as they awaited the mortal to climb, they thought back to their legions home and the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, their home. That's when they drew their blades and weapons, as the mortal appeared. Young, of teenage age. Blonde as well. But what was worse was that, she had pointed ears yet looked more human than aeldari.

"This is interesting..."

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