Little Green Men

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Green painted humvees continued to move forward through the gate that had appeared weeks ago, the first scouts of an expeditionary force sent to explore what possibly could be on the other side of the gate.

What they found surprised them. It looked... normal, just like Earth. Green fields and trees, with mountains in the distance. The Japanese formed a circle, gunners aiming for anything that could possibly attempt to attack the expeditionary forces. They checked their radios, attempting to communicate with the other side, finding themselves unable too. It was expected, though they were hopeful.

They came checking out the region, binoculars spotting a large mountain off in the distance, the top of it suddenly cut off. Was it a volcano? One of the expedition soldiers wondered.

Said soldier turned toward the gate and it's strange Roman/Greek architecture and sighed, he looked away from the gate, turning to the wooden stock of his rifle. It sorta made sense why they would give them older equipment. If they got fucked and their bodies implanted with aliens the equipment wouldn't be up to par with the majority of the JSDF. And thus, not used effectively against them.

Itami sighed. How the hell did he end up in another world?


Countless transport vehicles rushed in and out of within the Gate, all carrying thousands of tons adamantine, plasteel, and the other material of war. And the greatest of them all, at least for now. A void shield.

Several dozen techpriests worked on it, having installed it upon the top of the command center where the Primarchs stood around a large table that displayed a 3D image of the areas that have currently been mapped out by both thunderhawks and stormravens.

Several circular shapes were placed on the map, displaying what the locals called Alnus Hill, or Nova Terra, as well as the two most important cities, Sadaera and Italica. All flights from the gunships had confirmed the Primarchs suspicions, the world really was just a feudal one. Nothing of value save for perhaps minerals deep within the Earth they may be able to dig out from the worlds crust.

There was no nexus. There was no civilization that was able to use psychic energy to power instant travel using Gates like the Aeldari do. The mystery of the Gate eluded them. It would be interesting once they learn it.


"Onto the more basic additions to the compliance treaty. You and your people will be subject to imperial common law. Should you and your people accept compliance you shall be declared the administrators of this world under the Adeptus Administratum which is under jurisdiction of Lord Malcador. You are to be required to provide a tithe grade of Solutio Tertius, this will require you to provide fifty thousand of your best troops to the Imperial Army and approximately one hundred and fifty thousand tons worth of foodstuffs."

Garviel looked down at the small albeit brave red haired Pina, giving her a few moments to take on and give out any objections to the treaty, though he did doubt that even her courageous character would object to not being able to be kept in power. Instead, she asked of him what many had had before.

"What do we gain from doing this. From giving you t-this tithe, this tribute."

"Well of course, the protection of the Imperium from bother internal and external threats. You will gain access to the technology and resources at the Imperium's disposal. Technology that will be able to allow you, and your family to live for far longer than the average human if you so wished."

Garviel Loken knew the Imperium had the bargaining chips and he also knew that Imperial Army forces would be marching through the Gate, along with ten thousand of the elite Solar Auxilia. Even if the Legion were to leave there would be a powerful remaining force that would annihilate anything these feudals can send against the Imperium.

She simply nodded in response and Garviel took this as the end of the negotiations, though like most he needed to assure their complete compliance.

"So will you, on behalf of your people, solemnly swear to rejoin your cousins and aid us in reclaiming the ancient empire of Humanity?"

She nodded again when Loken heard a ping from one of his vox runes. He quickly attaches his helmet onto his head and listened in, noticing the voice of one of the Ultramarines, a certain cousin Genericus.

"Cousin Captain Loken, a force of cavalry approaches along with a tiny female with a very large scythe. Your orders?"

Loken simply said one word before detaching his helmet in order to speak to the Princess.


Gatehammer: A 30K Warhammer story. (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now