The Mechanicus

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The roar of a stormbird reached the ears of the inhabitants of Italica. The painted U shape of the Ultramarines painted upon its side. Guilliman was here. Along with him five honor guard, wielding shields and axes, of both power and chain variants. Below them, several hundred Astartes, a gigantic force to supply occupy a town. Hopefully the tales that this news would spark would spread throughout the continent.

The stormbird began to slowly land down onto the courtyard, as tall as the palace's walls and barely able to fit it touched down, the ground cleared of the wounded and soon to be dead. Astartes watched as it touched down, in as much awe as the native humans, for a Primarch had arrived.

They all knelt as the ramp of the stormbird began to let down, revealing glowing blue eyes. The Honor Guard stood still, awaiting the command do their father and Primarch. The Astartes knelt before them watching in reverence.

Garviel Loken walked out of the mansion home of the Clan Formal, followed out by his close brother Torgaddon, the Rose-Order knights, and the Princess. She would meet Guilliman for the first time. But as these events occurred, and a meeting that would change the history of Falmart, a separate event occurred. A Golden Angel would help a scythe-wielding girl kill a dragon.


The outpost first established by the expedition had become a bustling town since its founding. Tech guard and Imperial Army forces had been sent beyond the Gate, to replace the Astartes in their occupation of the continent.

A small factorium had been constructed, beginning the production of both civilian and military goods. Cawl walked amongst the central road, looking upon the native humans who shrunk away from in, in apprehension and or fear. They were biologically the same to the majority of Humanity, asides from the occasional strange hair color.

Behind Cawl marched four of his Skitarii, armed with arc mauls.  He watched as people stared in awe at the sight of him and his tech guard. It was expected, before the arrival of Imperial forces the most advanced thing they would've seen was a windmill.

He continued forwards, his heavily modified frame pushing its way across the dirt path, the edges of his Mechanicus red robes dirtied and covered in dust. He inspected the hastily built domiciles that had been built to house the influx of refugees and knew near instantly they hadn't yet been sanctified and approved by tech-priests. It made sense, considering the character of the legions on this side of the Gate.

But the buildings and fortifications of this new settlement was not his concern. No. It was the girl that Guilliman found. He approached the housing unit in where the "elf" was settling in. He looked at the door, studying it for a moment and finding a simple keypad stopping him from entering easily. He reached out with a mechanderite, pushing it against the keypad and letting out a soft binaric prayer.

The door opened quickly and Cawl let out a burst of binaric in thanks. The "elf" inside looked very human, long blonde hair reaching her waist. The only thing strange about her was her ears. Pointed, much like the Aeldari. But she was not Aeldari. Much too flabby for their standards. Cawl stood still for a moment before entering, the Skitarii moving in quickly in case she tried to resist. They'd need a closer inspection.

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