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10:34 pm

Kim Taehyung
Kinda sad over the fact
that you never knock me

Shin Soohyo
I dont want you to
know that I'm a whore
for you lmao
message not sent

Shin Soohyo
Sorry i was doing

Kim Taehyung
Like what?

Shin Soohyo
It's a hobby i dont
want to talk about it

Kim Taehyung

Kim Taehyung
Is also a hobby
just saying :3

Shin Soohyo
I thought it was
your daily job?

Kim Taehyung
I'd rather eat

Shin Soohyo
Eat what

Kim Taehyung
Oh my god

Kim Taehyung
Is that actually you
soohyo? you seem too
different today

Shin Soohyo

Shin Soohyo
Idk I'm just pissed
i cant seem to progress
with the current story I'm

Kim Taehyung
Wow you're a writer?

Shin Soohyo
Shit i told you about my

Shin Soohyo
Yeah a shitty writer who
writes on her diary and is
afraid to show anyone
cause she can't take criticism

Shin Soohyo
Also someone who procrastinates
more than actually writing and
then feels guilty about it

Kim Taehyung
talking about hobbies
i used to love playing the
sexyporn star

Kim Taehyung
Damn autocorrect

Shin Soohyo
I want to know how
you play with a sexy
porn star

Kim Taehyung
You dont

Kim Taehyung
So tell me about the
story i swear i will
give 'constructive'

Shin Soohyo

Kim Taehyung
Come on

Kim Taehyung
I know youd like
some help

Kim Taehyung
Just tell me the blurb
at least give me the

Shin Soohyo
No It's cringe

Kim Taehyung
I'll be the one to decide that

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