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Double updates today please read chapter 29 before this!


Shin Soohyo
You're a fucking asshole

Kim Taehyung
You’ve told me that before

Kim Taehyung
I didnt expect a greeting like
that but wow what did i do
this time

Shin Soohyo
You know damn right what
you did

Kim Taehyung
Is it about meeting yeona again

Kim Taehyung
Didnt know you were that jealous

Shin Soohyo
Go and fuck yeona
as if i give a shit

Kim Taehyung
Why are you talking like yoongi

Kim Taehyung
I think youre seriously angry now
tell me what i did

Shin Soohyo
As if telling you gonna change
the fact that you told everyone
i like you

Shin Soohyo
Did you have fun with
telling them?

Shin Soohyo
Do you brag about it to your
friends every time some girl
confesses to you?

Shin Soohyo
You narcissistic sick jerk

Kim Taehyung
Who told you about that

Shin Soohyo
does that matter????

Kim Taehyung
Well i told those assholes to keep
quiet about it

Shin Soohyo
That means you did actually
tell them

Shin Soohyo
It was really fun spreading
rumours about me wasnt it

Kim Taehyung
That wasnt a rumour
You do like me
And no i dont brag about
things like these to my friends

Kim Taehyung
I just told them about you

Shin Soohyo
Yeah why???
cause I'm that stupid tomboy
you never thought would get
a crush on you???

Kim Taehyung
It's for some other reason

Shin Soohyo
Tell me you sick fuck
or I'm never talking to you

Kim Taehyung
You're cursing a lot today

Shin Soohyo

Kim Taehyung
Okay it was because i didnt
want my friends to chase you

Kim Taehyung
And i was jealous of jimin
so i told them all

Kim Taehyung
There i said it

Shin Soohyo
Why would you be jealous
of him???

Kim Taehyung
I dont know

Shin Soohyo
First you tell me my voice is
pretty then you say you're
jealous of jimin

Shin Soohyo
Why are you leading me on??

Kim Taehyung
When did i

Kim Taehyung
Soohyo i just said those as a
good friend

Shin Soohyo
I hate myself for liking you

Kim Taehyung
You just said you like me

Kim Taehyung
Okay putting that aside

Kim Taehyung
I'm sorry i told my friends
I am sorry really i am

Kim Taehyung
I didnt think about you first
before telling them i really
am sorry

Kim Taehyung
Trust my friends only they
know this no one else

read at 8:37 pm

Shin Soohyo went offline

11:40 pm

Zhang Jacob

Zhang Jacob
Okay but you sexy asf lmao

Zhang Jacob
I'm from st arthurs lmao
Kim Taehyungs school
You like him right???

Zhang Jacob
Came here to see how pretty
you are to be the talk of our

A/n: okay not to be that fuckboi but yall so cute??

Especially when you're cursing at yeona or anyone else in the comment section it kinda turns me on

Especially when you're cursing at yeona or anyone else in the comment section it kinda turns me on

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