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12:43 am

Kim Taehyung
I know it's late

Kim Taehyung
But are you there?

Shin Soohyo
I couldnt sleep

Kim Taehyung
I was really hoping you’d
be online

Shin Soohyo

Kim Taehyung
I just... felt lonely

Kim Taehyung
Don't take it the wrong

Shin Soohyo
Are you okay?

Kim Taehyung
Yeah just a bit...
i dont know

Kim Taehyung
I mean the day went well
nothing really happened
but then i got to bed and
tried to sleep and my head
is suddenly filled with thoughts...

Kim Taehyung
Sorry for bothering you like
this It's late at night and you
should sleep

Shin Soohyo
But I'd rather listen to you
than sleep

Shin Soohyo
I'm not sleepy anyway

Shin Soohyo
do you want to talk
about it?

Kim Taehyung
I dont know how to put it
it may sound funny or trivial

Kim Taehyung
I cant process my thoughts well
right now

Shin Soohyo
It's okay
just start from anywhere
I'll pick it off somewhere along
the lines

Shin Soohyo
And nothing is trivial if its
bothering you

Kim Taehyung
The thing that bothers me is

Kim Taehyung
I feel like a stranger to myself

Kim Taehyung is typing

1:13 am

Shin Soohyo

Kim Taehyung
Sorry... i just dont want to
bother you with my thoughts

Shin Soohyo
I'd very much like to get bothered
cause i know you will feel better
after you clear your heavy chest

Kim Taehyung
It's just that...
In the past i was so happy, like
I'd always laugh out loud
and have fun, scream
on top of my lungs, i was...

Kim Taehyung
But after high school started
i dont know what changed
within me i just... changed

Kim Taehyung
Maybe i got matured and stuff,
that's what i thought

Kim Taehyung
But these days as high school
being on it's way ending, college
entrance nearing, and me studying
all day to make it out there i
realized how much i missed
my old self

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