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8:29 pm

Kim Taehyung
Did you meet up with jimin

Shin Soohyo
Yes why??

Kim Taehyung
Yeah he blabbered about it
in school today

Kim Taehyung
Like i seriously dont know
what is going on between you

Shin Soohyo
He's my friend and why
does it matter to you

Kim Taehyung
Do you like him?

Shin Soohyo
Where did that come from
why did you even assume that

Shin Soohyo
You know who i like yet you
are acting that way i dont get

Kim Taehyung
If you dont like him that way
maybe you should stop meeting
him so much and lead him on

Shin Soohyo
What the hell do you mean

Kim Taehyung
Are you really that dense or
do you act like it

Kim Taehyung
He clearly likes you

Shin Soohyo
Stop with that bullshit taehyung
he's my good friend and you know

Kim Taehyung
Oh yeah??? I'm sure he's gonna
confess his love for you any
time these days

Shin Soohyo
He wouldnt ffs
did he tell you he liked me
or are you assuming things

Kim Taehyung
He doesnt need to tell me
i can see it in his eyes

Kim Taehyung
And others can notice too

Shin Soohyo
If you are so genius at
understanding people why
cant you understand me then?

Kim Taehyung
I do
That's why I'm telling you not
to get someone else's hopes
up if you're gonna keep liking
me till the end

Shin Soohyo
So youre telling me to stop
meeting and talking to jimin?

Kim Taehyung
I'm not saying that
I'm saying there should be
limits, boundaries

Shin Soohyo
If you dont like me yourself
why do you care if someone
else likes me? Or if I'm being
friendly with them

Shin Soohyo
You cant control my life taehyung
get that into your system

Shin Soohyo
You're clearly not my boyfriend
so stop acting like one

Kim Taehyung
I'm not your boyfriend but
if you like me shouldn’t you
stay loyal to me

Shin Soohyo
Why would i

Shin Soohyo
Gosh i cant do this anymore

Shin Soohyo
I'm done
I'm so done with this

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