explanations + ending note

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Hello my dear online crushes,

Yes you are my online crush. Did you like this story? Are you sad it's over? Would you miss it?

There's some things I'd like to clarify since a lot of people might misunderstand.

This story is a work of fiction. Kim Taehyung is my bias. In real life he's the nicest person on earth, please don't hate him. Just think of him as a paid actor and think of me as a writer, director.

No matter what the ending was, Taehyung still is the main lead of this book. There's a thing called second lead, yeah, and I'd always wanted to write something where the second lead gets the win. Jimin was set to be with Soohyo before I even started writing this story.

It just hurts me how in some fics the main lead always verbally abuses the girl, does shitty things yet the girl always ends up with him even when there's this sweetest other boy who loves her.

There's no backstory to Taehyung in this story, why he acts like a jerk cause guess what jerks don't need a backstory. They could be like that for no apparent reasons.

There's also a really important thing that no one had noticed, but you guys viewed this whole story from only soohyos perspective, unlike my other textfics.

There's only her 'unsent' messages you could see. So there could be unsent messages, feelings by other characters too including Taehyung but you’ll never know.

That's the reason you only get to see Jihye's face at the epilogue because Soohyo had only been seeing posts from people relevant to her life. (I still ship Jihye x Soohyo the most by the way)

As I've said before, this story is taken from real life events. My life events.

There's a lot of changes I had made, I'm in no way Shin Soohyo. I'm Mysha your local tomboy wattpadder oppa. My online crush was in no way Kim Taehyung, he was worse.

Way worse, I couldn't make Taehyung even close to as bad as him because I knew most of you guys wouldn’t be able to take it. A lot of people already quit midway because of his misbehavior.

My 'online crush' was a control freak. He controlled my every day life. I had a lot of toxic friends, not just one like Yeona. There were at least three.

But that was four years ago I was only 17 back then. I'm 21 now. I still think back to those times and ask myself why I had made such stupid desicions like having a crush on this shit in the first place. But those things that hurt me only made me who I am now.

And now you guys are gonna flip seeing this but, I did not have any Jimin in my life.

I'm an asexual + aromantic person. I only realized that after I let my 'crush' go.

I want you guys to know this, even without having a friend like Jimin looking out for me like Soohyo had, I still survived well. I fought with my demons by myself.

And you guys can too. You don't need someone to save you. You can save yourself.

If anyone makes you feel you are not enough show them your middle finger and walk away. Trust me honey, you are more than enough.

Hope this won't be the last time I see you. I still have a lot of upcoming projects.

Thank you so much for reading this book. Never in my life I'd imagined getting this much attention on an ongoing book. You guys made me feel loved. And now you should love yourself too.

Yours ever,
Mysha (your oppa)

P.s: I'll throw my asexuality for you cause you're just that cute.

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