49 (final pt 1)

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4:33 pm

Shin Soohyo

Kim Taehyung
Wow you are finally here

Kim Taehyung
I'm sorry

Shin Soohyo
Sorry for what

Kim Taehyung
Sorry that you couldnt get into
seoul uni

Kim Taehyung
You tried right?

Shin Soohyo
Yeah but it's okay for me

Shin Soohyo
I wanted to leave home it
feels suffocating here

Kim Taehyung
Lmao you wildin

Kim Taehyung
Where did you get into?

Shin Soohyo
Namhae college

Kim Taehyung
That's really far

Shin Soohyo
Yeah I'm leaving soon

Kim Taehyung
Well that's disappointing

Kim Taehyung
I'm sorry i couldnt reach out to
you I've been really busy first
studying then the exam then i
get in and had to throw countless
parties for different groups
of people

Kim Taehyung
Maybe it's not really my fault
because your phone was off

Kim Taehyung
I asked yeona about you a lot
but she didnt know anything

Kim Taehyung
She already left to America a
week ago

Shin Soohyo
I didnt know that she left

Kim Taehyung

Kim Taehyung
You really did not know??

Shin Soohyo

Shin Soohyo
i blocked her on facebook

Shin Soohyo
Every other app too including my

Kim Taehyung
Are you nuts???

Kim Taehyung
You leave for a month without
a word and come back completely

Kim Taehyung
Why did you do that?

Shin Soohyo
I dont need friends that disappoint

Shin Soohyo
I just modified my favourite

Shin Soohyo
I cant believe I'm using vine
references again it's been too

Shin Soohyo
Too long since I'd lost myself

Kim Taehyung
Are you drunk??

Shin Soohyo
Nope but maybe i had gone crazy

Shin Soohyo
I feel exceptionally calm doing

Shin Soohyo
I thought I'd be lying on the floor

Kim Taehyung
Doing what? I dont understand

Shin Soohyo
You never understand Taehyung

Shin Soohyo
You never understand how my
'Best friend' was the most toxic
person to me

Shin Soohyo
How your jokes always went
too fur to my liking

Shin Soohyo
How you talked about finding
your old self yet made me lose
my own

Shin Soohyo
How you became toxic to me

I'm gonna miss you guys so much

hope this isnt goodbye.

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