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10:15 pm

Kim Taehyung
You know you could've told
me before you took time
off facebook

Kim Taehyung
This better be for studying

Kim Taehyung
Even yeona doesnt know your

Kim Taehyung
I took your number from her
and its off too

Kim Taehyung
I tried contacting you so dont
you dare come at me later
saying i dont care about you

Kim Taehyung
Since that just got cheesy
anyway I'll say it
I miss you, perhaps

Kim Taehyung
But i think it's good that you
took time off because now
i can focus on studying too
without any distraction 

Kim Taehyung
So i wont bother you texting or
calling I'll let you have your

Kim Taehyung
Good luck on entrance exam

1:15 am

I cant sleep thinking about you

And here is my daily dose of
messages for you

I'll message you every day so
whenever you open your
messenger you’ll be able to
smile seeing my stupid texts

It's been 15 days already and
there hasnt been a single day
when i hadnt miss you

I'm always wondering if you
are okay, if you stopped crying,
If you are eating well, if you are
sleeping well

Just one message from you
telling me youre okay will
make me feel so much better

But i want to give you all the
time you need I'll just believe
that my soobae is okay

And I'll keep working on my
diet and gym for you, I'll keep
trying to love myself cause
soobae wants that

I'll wait for you

Because when you love someone
you wait for them, no matter how
long it takes

3:54 am

I fell asleep texting you and woke
up again i just realized what I'd
written on my last message to you

I wanted to delete it but i couldnt
and i pondered over it for half
an hour

I feel restless today there's something
i've been wanting to tell you but
i might not get the courage to do
this again so I'll do it right now

I like you soohyo

It's not that friendly like, i like you
as a woman not just as a friend

I've been liking you for a while
i guess but i dont really know
when it started

Remember when i told you that
a girl confessed to me and i
rejected her?

I lied to her and told her i had
a girlfriend

When i said that i couldnt help
but think about you

That's when i realized that i do
like you, more than just a friend

But i dont want you to feel
bothered by my confession

You like someone else i know
and since you really really like
taehyung I'm actually rooting for
you with my whole heart

Because i want you to be happy
when soobae is happy chimmyboo
is happy too

I'll never want you for myself
and today I'm only saying this
for once I'll never talk about
my feelings for you again

So please dont feel awkward and
break your friendship with me

I just want you to know that you
are loved too someone loves you
the way you are so you should
never look down on yourself

And I'll try to keep myself
from deleting all these messages
i sent you today

your vote/ comment or even you just seeing this chapter makes me feel better.

Even by doing those small things you’ve already become a part of my life and I'm thankful for that. Thankful that you exist in my life.

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