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7:12 am

Kang Yeona
I cant believe you did
this to me

Kang Yeona
Like i did not fucking
expect that from you

Kang Yeona
Honestly if you had a problem
with me you could've told me
and not rat it to another person
who's also my friend and have
them tell me off

10:45 am

Shin Soohyo
I'm sorry i just woke up
what's wrong what did
i do

Shin Soohyo
I'm sorry i dont understand

Kang Yeona
Yeah you dont fucking
understand lmao

Kang Yeona
Okay so i am the reason
why you got a fever yeah?

Kang Yeona
Cause you being the best person
in this world you waited for me
in the rain but i never came and
was busy with my date

Kang Yeona
You wanted me to apologise okay
then you should've told me that
in person not to taehyung

Kang Yeona
That was such a bitchy move soohyo

Shin Soohyo
I'm sorry...

Kang Yeona
Honestly youre such a pitiful
person you can't do one shit by
yourself you have to go to another
person you even couldn’t
confess to your crush and told me
obviously so i could send the message
but when i did that you get angry
with me

Kang Yeona
And now you bitch out to my
friend so i hear that shit from
him not you

Kang Yeona
No offence
but legit you should look
at yourself maybe ask yourself
what's so wrong with you 👀

Kang Yeona went offline

Shin Soohyo
I know I'm a pitiful person
i know I'm not pretty or
confident like you and i
know I'm not good at
anything not even being
a friend

Shin Soohyo
Thanks for making me realize
those again and I'm sorry

11:55 am

Shin Soohyo
Can i ask why you told
yeona what I told you the other

Kim Taehyung
Did you guys fight lmao

Kim Taehyung
Shouldn’t she hear
what she did wrong? That's
the only way she can reflect
on it so she doesn’t do it again

Kim Taehyung
I think it's good that she learnt
about het mistake else she'd never
even realize she did something wrong

Kim Taehyung
If you guys fought I'm sure it'll
be alright soon girls fight
and make up all the time

Shin Soohyo
Thanks to you i dont think she'll
ever talk to me again

Shin Soohyo
I didnt want to leave high school
with such a bad memory what ever
she did she was my only friend
for almost three years

Kim Taehyung
Come on you are overreacting
she wouldnt break her friendship
with you over such a trivial matter

Shin Soohyo
I dont know
I am just crying my eyes out
i dont know if it's because
my friendship with her ended
or because of the things she
said to me
message not sent

A/n: hey she-sus how's it going baby ;)

Since you're my religion
I call you shesus 💜

So comment some underrated groups I should stan! From my opinion yall should definitely check out vav and dreamcatcher

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