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Double updates today! Please read chapter 39 before this 💜

7:18 pm

Kim Taehyung
Why did you act like a drama
queen and leave the group??

Shin Soohyo
Cause i didnt want to stay there
and get disrespected by you

Kim Taehyung
When did i-

Kim Taehyung
I was just joking and you know
that well

Kim Taehyung
I have told you a numerous
times that i like making fun
of you and I'm not serious

Kim Taehyung
Can't you even take a joke

Shin Soohyo
There should be a limit

Shin Soohyo
Where you’ve gotten isn't fun

Kim Taehyung
What have i done so wrong

Shin Soohyo
You disrepected me in front of
your friends that's what you did

Kim Taehyung
They know I'm joking as well

Shin Soohyo
You made me cry and i hope
you are happy now

Kim Taehyung
Wait you're crying??

Kim Taehyung
I didnt mean to
oh my god

Kim Taehyung
I am sorry

Kim Taehyung
Please dont cry

Shin Soohyo
I am not in the mood to talk
to you rn

Kim Taehyung
Listen soohyo i told you i
have issues that's why i said
you shouldn’t be liking me

Kim Taehyung
I know I'm taking your feelings
lightly and that's not good but
i keep acting that way towards
you and i cant help

Kim Taehyung
I'm just like this

Shin Soohyo
You never even tried to be
good to me taehyung
your excuse isn't going
to cut it

Kim Taehyung
I know

Kim Taehyung
At this point i just think I'm
fucked up

Kim Taehyung
I find it pleasing to make fun
of you and hurt you i dont know
why i am like this

Kim Taehyung
It isnt like this with other girls
trust me

Kim Taehyung
But it wasnt to the point to
make you cry I'm really sorry

Kim Taehyung
Please answer me

9:15 pm

Soohyo pick up my calls

I was busy today so i wasnt online
and only saw the messages from
the gc just now

Please tell me you're okay

I am not okay jimin

I hate myself

Why?? God Soohyo it's not
your fault he acts like a douchebag
not your fault that he doesnt like
you yet

I know
I just hate that despite all of
this i still like that douchebag

I still freaking like him
even after crying myself
to sleep all these nights

I cant remember the last time
i really laughed

Even after him constantly insulting
me, humiliating me, not liking me

I still find myselfthinking about
himself with every breath i take
listening to his audio songs every
single night and constantly waiting
for him to message me first and
for god's sake be nice to me for

Why am i like this jimin i am
so pathetic

I want to go back to the days
i didnt like him if i could meet
my past self i would tell her not
to fall for him

I'd rather die than go through
this pain yet i cant let go
off him

I'm sorry soohyo

I'm sorry you feel so awful yet
i cant help you if i just could i
would take away all your pain
and suffer in your place

It hurts seeing you in so much
pain yet i cant do anything

Just you being there, a person
i could talk to when I'm down
is enough jimin

I'll be okay I'll be fine
I'm outside taking a walk
fresh air will help calm me

It almost ten soohyo that
area isnt really safe

Wait in a convenience store
and eat something just wait
fifteen minutes

Dont come here jimin it's
already late and you are busy

I already wore my jacket and I'm

I want to be there for you

my finals are starting from the 3rd yet I'm here updating everyday so you guys dont have to wait. Can i get some love for that

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