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Double update today because I love you 💜 please read chapter 17 before this


Kang Yeona
Sis what

Shin Soohyo
Shocking i know

Kang Yeona
yoU lIkE kIm TaeHyUnG

Kang Yeona
WhEn yOu tWo ArE aLwAYs

Shin Soohyo
I'm surprised at myself
like i keep thinking about him
all the damn time and it's not

Shin Soohyo
And this has never happened
to me before not with real people
like this guy is actually someone
that knows i exist

Kang Yeona
I feel so giddy lmao
tell me more

Kang Yeona
Finally i can talk to my
bestfriend on this topic

Shin Soohyo
I dont know when it

Shin Soohyo
I actually had some sort of small
type of crush on him way before

Shin Soohyo
But i get a hundred crushes on
handsome guys that are way out
of my reach everyday so it
didnt even matter

Shin Soohyo
But then we started to talk
he listened to me when i was down
he sang a song for me and
he sent it as a birthday gift
he talked about his own life
he told me from time to time
how much i mattered even
when he was always making
fun of me

Shin Soohyo
Maybe while all of that
was happening something
inside of me was happening
as well

Kang Yeona
Okay but i didn’t know about
the birthday song 😡😡😡

Kang Yeona
How could he not tell me when
i'm his bestfriend like wtf

Kang Yeona
I'm gonna crush him for this
i'm so fucking angry

Shin Soohyo
Wait no
maybe he wanted to keep
this a secret he didnt even
tell his other friends

Kang Yeona
Yeah but he told you
and not me 🙄

Shin Soohyo
Maybe he just forgot

Shin Soohyo
Yeona can you not tell him
about this? What i told you

Shin Soohyo
I dont want him to know
that i like him i want this
feeling to fade away I'm sure
this is just a phase

Shin Soohyo
He doesn’t see me that
way anyway

Shin Soohyo
So I'm trusting you with this

Kang Yeona
Lol yeah of course

12:54 am

Kang Yeona created a group chat

Kang Yeona added Shin Soohyo

Kang Yeona added Kim Taehyung

Kang Yeona named the group "midnight tea cause why not 🤷‍♀☕"

Kang Yeona
Oh yeah I'm here to
spill some facts

Kim Taehyung
*tired cheering noises
from the back*

Kim Taehyung
This better be good
cause I'm damn sleepy
but you being you called
me at midnight so here
i am

Kang Yeona
That's just my love for
you boo 🤷‍♀💖💕

Shin Soohyo

Kang Yeona
Soohyo likes you
@Kim Taehyung

Kim Taehyung
I didnt stay up for this joke

Shin Soohyo
Yeona please

Shin Soohyo
I beg you

Kang Yeona
@Kim Taehyung 🐸
she does lol

Kang Yeona

Kim TaehyungIs this real?

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Kim Taehyung
Is this real?

Kang Yeona
Yep i have other screenshots
as well

Shin Soohyo has left the chat

Kang Yeona added Shin Soohyo to the chat

Kang Yeona
Okay i wont send the other
ss here 🙄 why are you so
salty honestly just tell him
the truth I'm trying to help
you here @Shin Soohyo

Kim Taehyung
Is this true @Shin Soohyo

Shin Soohyo
I'm sorry

A/n: I've been losing motivation
to write this.

It might just feel another boring story to you but well this is actually inspired from MY story. Every thing is not exactly the same but the plotline is, pretty much. It happened back in 2015 and I haven’t told anyone about this only from my 'friends' from that time knows.

So yeah welcome to my world of secrets.

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