Sick Day

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Adora: *looking at bangtan who wasn't complete*
Supreme boi:

Hobi, wearing a black bucket hat, black mouth mask, and pitch black sun glasses: he- HAHOOO! he-llo- HAHOOO! hm... I'm HAH-CHOO!- rry

BANG pd: what happened to hoseok?
Sejin, touching Hoseok's forehead: HOLY! *takes his hand away* You're burning up!

Yoongi: ?


Doc. Soekjin: Okay so Hoseok needs sleep, and he needs to take his medicines every 4 hours.
Jimin: When did you become a doctor, hyung?
Doc. Seokjin: just now
Jimin: oh- wait what?!

Adora: Hm... since Hoseok is sick we can't film anything..
BANG pd: BangTan you guys will be staying at your apartment for today.

At their apartment

Yoongi is inside Hoseok's room making sure he doesn't move, and so Hoseok could take his pills every 4 hours. Jin and Namjoon are talking at the kitchen while Jin makes dinner for everyone. The maknae line plays Monopoly, and TXT plays minecraft in their server.

Hoseok, sits up: HA! HACHOO! Ugh...
Yoongi, handing him a tissue: here
Hoseok, takes the tissue: Tha- *
HACHOOO! nks hyung *blows nose*

Yoongi, trochees Hoseok's forehead then removes his hand: hmm.. your temperature is hot, *stands up* I'll be right back.
Hoseok, holding Yoongi's arm: H-hyung HACHOO! where are you going?
Yoongi, looked at Hoseok: I'll get your medications and water, so you could get better

Hoseok lets go of his hyung, Yoongi soon left and went to jin to get Hoseok's Medicines then went back.


jk: psst! psst!!!

Yoongi looked back and saw Jungkook

Yoongi: what?
TaeTae: Is hobi hyung okay?
Jimin: when can we see himmmm
Yoongi, holding a tray with Hoseok's medicines and a class of water: hm? oh. He's still sick, i recommend for the 3 of you to not come in until he is feeling better..
JK: but you come in hobi hyung's room, it's not fair!

Yoongi, sighed: look, i don't want the three of you to get sick too, okay? That's why I'm inside his room so if I get sick it won't be such a worry.
Jimin: what do you mean, hyung?
Yoongi: ... what I mean is that... If i ever get sick you guys don't need to worry about me. *closes the door behind him which separates him with the 3 maknaes*

Hoseok: h-hyung? HACHOO!

Yoongi walks over to Hoseok's bed side and puts the tray down. He then took 2 medicines and a glass of water. He walked to Hoseok and gave him the medicines and the glass of water. Hoseok took the medicines then drank the water.

Hoseok: *snits* thanks hyung, you know you don't have to take care of me.
Yoongi: *puts the empty glass of water on the gray tray* No..
Yoongi: *sits on the chair next to Hoseok's bed* I need to take care of you.. and because I'm you're hyung
Hoseok: gee.. than..k..s....hyung....zz..... *falls asleep*

Few days later...

Hoseok walks out if the room: HELLO!
Jin: I see someone's better!
Namjoon, holding his cup of coffee: Great to have a healthy member back.
Hoseok: gee,

TaeTae: where's Yoongi hyung?
Jk: idunno *drinks banana milk*
Jimin: look inside his room???

Yoongi walks out of Hoseok's room his skin even lighter than before, his eyes where red, coughing and looked sicker than Hoseok before.

TaeTae: Yoongi hyung?
Jimin: hyung? what happened?
Yoongi: *sniffing* huh? oh *coughs* I'm fine HACHOO! *ahem*

Hoseok: Oh no... Yoongi hyung I'm sorry, It's my fault in why your sick..
Yoongi, heading to his room: No.. no... its.. HACHOO! I'm fine, I'm so fine *coughing like there's no tomorrow*

Jin: *sighs* we gotta call Sejin hyung now..
Namjoon, on the call with Sejin: Hello Sejin hyung?
Sejin from the other line: yes, hello?
Namjoon: hm.. hyung Its about Yoongi hyung
Sejin: hm? why what's wrong?
Namjoon: he got infected with Hoseok's Sickness
Sejin: ah.. okay I'll be right over with adora to deal with Yoongi, for now just put him to bed.
Namjoon: mkay


Yeonjun: ?Yoongi Hyung's sick?
Jimin: yup
Soobin: poor hyung..

JIn: taetae, get the masks we gotta put the kitten to bed
TaeTAe: yes hyung!

Taehyung and Seokjin soon went up to Yoongi's room for their surprise they saw Min Yoongi working? they then put him to bed, the poor guy... Soon Adora and Sejin came and made sure Yoongi would be better the next following weeks.

about 6 days has past and Yoongi finally felt better, everything went back to order.

Jimin, hugging Yoongi: See hyung? We love you and we took care of you!
Yoongi, being squeezed by the maknae line: ugh...
Jk: We love you hyung!!!!
TaeTae: hehe! We love HYUngie!!

Yoongi, in a whisper: iloveyoutoo
TaeTae: AH! Yoongi hyungie said he loved us!!!
Jiminie: awh, hyung has a soft side for us!!

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