If Namjoon Was Our President

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BTS in the white palace's meeting room

Hoseok: Namjoon, the War is about to happen any moment now!

Jimin: what are we going to do? Is the First Lady even here?

Jungkook: I think she dead-

Seokjin:*dramatically enters*

Seokjin: I have arrived *poses*

Yoongi: ugh,

Taehyung: sorry we're late, Seokjin Hyung couldn't pick what hand bag to use. So we stopped over at Gucci to buy a new one.

Namjoon: about our country,

Yoongi: right.

Yoongi: The war will only start if we says so, or if the other country raises their red flag.

Namjoon: How about the tower region, Hoseok how's the eye of our country?

Hoseok, standing up: The competing country's army are not that powerful.. we might have our chance in winning.

Jimin: but then again, they have more recruits than ours.

Jungkook: don't forget their bases that are located under their main territory.

Namjoon: ..we really are in a pickle now.

Jimin: why can't we just have peace instead? You know like, put our grads down and see if we could just talk it all out.

Yoongi: Jimin it's a country, we are in a middle of a war, do you really think it's going to wo-

Namjoon: lets do it.

Yoongi: WHAT?! Are you crazy?!

Seokjin: Damn, I'm ready to die then.

Taehyung: I will be hiding in the bunker, bye *runs out*

Jungkook: HYUNG WAIT! *follows Taehyung*

Hoseok: ah..

Yoongi:we all are going to lose our country and our lives. So.. see y'all *pulls a lever a part of the floor comes down*

Yoongi: come on Hobi, *pulls Hoseok with him*

SOPE: *jump on the hole, slides down*


Namjoon: they really don't believe in me huh?

Seokjin: Look, Joonie, sweetheart, you almost lost all of the papers of the country just yesterday.

Namjoon: you're right.

Namjoon: *sighs*

Namjoon: damn, oh well.

Namjoon:*accidentally starts the war*

BTS, hiding in the bunker: GODDAMIT JOON!

Namjoon: whoops..

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