Part:6(long Update)

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Next day :


All were having breakfast silently which was not usually possible in RM and suddenly Nk said...

Nk : guys it's dadi's birthday in 2 days...

Anjali( trying to change atmosphere) : yes Nk.... Payal ji as your joining SDC why not we give contract to SDC for nani's birthday party...

Payal(said pouting) : Di you should call me payal only then I will think about it...

Anjali(with smile) : payal now okay...

Payal : yes di...I will fix meeting with lav & mishti... But who will met??

Akash : I am not free today...

Mami : hello hi bye bye.... What akash  bitwa...

Akash : wait maa but NK is free there is not shoot today....

Nk : yes yes I will met lavanya & khuhsi...

In all this arnav didn't say anything... He was just listening everyone...

Nk : Nannav we both can go right... As you don't have any important meetings today... What say??

Arnav (completing his breakfast) : Ya NK.. You just fix the meeting...

Nani (with seriousness) : chotte we can't change the past... But now before doing or making any conclusion by yourself make sure you know about the matter completely... Always remember chotte there is always 2 sides of coins...

Arnav(holding nani's hands in his hand) : nani I know I have made lott of  mistakes in past... But you can trust me now nani I have learnt my lesson from my last deeds... I know I have hurt many peoples in past but I won't repeat it now not anytime in future...
Am sorry nani(by hearing arnav all felt happy that finally arnav released his mistake by now nani was crying) don't cry nani... I know my one sorry can't change past but now this time I will earn trust....

Nani : chotte you have long way towards khushi betiya...

Arnav : nani how come you know..

Nani(kissing his forehead) : am your nani I can say what you feel by seeing your face... I know it will take time and mostly have patience to earn trust of khushi betiya... As you love her please be patient chotte...

Anjali : yes chotte give her time to understand you.. To know that how much you love her..

Payal : Arnav ji mishti hates breaking any relationship... You have to... have lottt of patiences to deal with her... She is crazy but away mature enough to understand her feelings her surroundings...

Akash : like you said bhai you have to earn her trust...

Nk : nannav mere bhai remember we all are there for you anytime any help we all will be there with you...

Mami : hello hi bye bye yes yes arnav bitwa...

Mama: good in all his manorama has changed as good person...

Mami : hello hi bye bye what do you mean by changed to good person..

Arnav : let's leave Akash & nk...

Three left breakfast table but arnav turned and said...

Arnav(to all) : I know you all are thinking about the past... But what had happened is happened no one can change but we can be happy and make our present & future bright and happy we can make new memories.. I know mumma, pappa and sadhana aunt will always be with us we can't forget them but instead of remembering the bitter past we can keep there happy memories with us.. By doing this even they and we all will be happy.... And as yesterday decided all the culprits will get the worst punishment... We all will together find out the proof and give worts punishment to thoses peoples.. But now let's be happy and let's celebrate nani's birthday... Okay?

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