Part:18(long Update)

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It was a day to get discharged by hospital and all were happy plus there was a dinner at RM....and as aman said next day itself he gave anjali's gift to her....

Hospital (evening) :

Riddhima (passing the discharge papers to arnav) : here you go Arnav...

Arnav (taking the papers) : thank you and what about the reports and all...

Riddhima(smiled) : everything is normal Anju di is completely prefect no need for any medicines she can even join ARD....

Arnav (smiled) : that's great riddhi di.... And ya tonight dinner at RM don't forget...

Riddhima : ofcourse arnav...

In these days karan and anjali bonding was really good by now everyone by looking at them they can make out that karan and anjali love each other.... just that all (family) want to they themselves tell about there love to everyone.... The way karan and anjali care for each other smile, there eye lock and all the little little moments where sometimes seen by family too and all were happy for karan and anjali.... Whole family was waiting for karan & anjali to say about there love for each other and to them...

Arnav (karan & anjali) : let's go karan bhai & di everyone is waiting for you us...

Riddhima : even I will come my shift is done for today...

Anjali : wow that's really great...

Karan : ya let's go....

Then they left from hospital to RM...


All were waiting for them to return from hospital.... As soon as the doors opens all shouted...

All : Welcome back anju di /anjali /anjai betiya/anjali beta...

Anjali (smiled) : thank you all....

Then nani did aarti and anjali came inside... Now all were sitting in living room and chit chatting...

Arnav : attention everyone as di is back and our Dr:Riddhima Chopda too said that di's all reports are normal and Di can get back on normal routine of her day to day life... So di will be rejoining ARD tomorrow...

Anjali (hugged arnav) : am soo happy chotte...

Mama & pappa : attention everyone we both have something to announce ...

All : what is it??

Mama : we taught to give our fashion show stage preparation contract to SDC...

Pappa : yes and same we discussed to head of show and they saw the work and reviews of SDC and they gave contract to SDC....

All :wow that's really great....

Nani : finally everything is becoming normal I hope no evil eye catch us..

Dadi : don't worry devyani... If such things come we all together will face it...

Nani (all) : it's time let's have dinner...

All : ya

Then all had dinner.... The dinner was fill with chit chat laughing wholly happiness was around everyone... But happiness doesn't stays for long right some tension thriller needed in life... Let's see what future holds for them....

After dinner all were enjoying there ice-cream and arnav got up...

Arnav (khushi) : khushi after having your ice-cream come to my room I will give you papers of contract which mama gave that you can officially start working as time is less...

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