Parents are Here; part 4 (last part I promise)

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"What?" Everyone stops and says. "I can legally adopt, I have all of the papers filled out I'll take him." I says a little less unsure.
"David, running a summer camp and having a child is a huge difference." Gwen says.
"I know." I say.
Max doesn't say anything.
"Mr Miller puts the adults in the car and Mr Miller grabs his suitcase out of the car. "Let's do the paperwork." He says.

•••time skip parents are gone Max is sleeping on his bag in the corner.•••

I pick Max up and Gwen grabs his bag. I bring him to the car and buckle him up. We back out of the camp and head off to the city.
"So I assume he'll be sleeping in your office?" Gwen asks.
"Yeah." I say contracting on the road. "That will be big enough, right?" I ask.
"I'm sure it will." She says.
I hear some noise from the back seat. I look in the mirror to see Max waking up. "David?" He mumbles.
"Yes Max?" I respond.
"I have to pee." He says yawning.

We done with parents day chapter sorry for the wait.😆

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