the night of the dance pt 2

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I walk up to Erid. She smiles, "What's up little dude." She greets me as Gwen walks in.
"Your friends are inside. The tall one is freacked out about something." She says with a flip of her hair.
"Thanks." I say walking in.
I walk over to the gym where the dance is held.
I see Neil and Nikki in a corner and walk over to them.
"What the fuck is going on?" I ask casually.
I think I was kinda underdressed for this all I'm wearing are jeans and a white button up. Nikki is wearing a pink knee langth floral dress with a bow in the back and Neil is wearing kahkis with a white shirt and a black tie... I guess he's a little better.
Nikki and I watch Neil hipperventalat for a few moments before she speaks.
"Tabii wants to make out with Neil but he's to much of a pussy." She be says bluntly.
Some how Neil then desides to catch his breath and tell her to shut up.
I sigh at the dork. "Dude it's just kissing your overreacting."
"I know but she wants to have sex when we turn 16!" He says wheezing.
"What!?" I bark.
"Well I mean that is the league age of consent. year?" Nikki adds.
We here sloppy steps from behind us, we turn around.
"Hey, so I guess this is where the cool guys hang?" Says an ear percing voice that I recagnize almost immediately, "Yes it's me Jermy Fartz!" Jermy says with a smile.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY!" I scream, "I cannot deal with you right now!"
"You sound just like my other friends." He says with a smile and walks away.
"Max! What do I do?" Neil asks.
Why the fuck is he asking me?
"Ok ok, umm how about you try and talk to her?" I ask.
He starts to hyperventalate.
"Ok, new plan. Nikki and I will go talk to Tabii." I say pushing Nikki to the hall way.
"Ok where would she be?" I ask.
"Well she wasn't out on the dance floor so our best bet would be the bathrooms." Nikki says.
"Ok let's go." I say dragging her into the girls bathroom.
We are in and I see some girls start to stare at us.
"Well shit I didn't think this through." I say letting go of Nikki's shoulder.
"What the fuck are you losers doing in here?" Sasha, one of the girls in the bathroom with us says.
"Yeah, the boys bathroom is for fucking." Erin says.
"We're looking for Tabbi." I say stepping back a bit.
"She's in the boys bathroom you asshole." Erin says.
"Wait but Neil's dancing?" Nikki says.
"Oh shit!" Erin says.
"God what the hell Erin!" Sasha scolds.
Wait this is all clicking together, the phone call-it wasn't for Neil... It was for someone else.
"Oh my God! Tabbi is cheating!" A force of anger thrives through me as I start to run out of the bathroom and try and make it to the boys but someone stops me. I look up to see a blonde women.
"Oh my God! How iniprepret! A boy coming out of a girls bathroom. I guess we all know who's child this is." I look over to see some adults and kids staring at me including Gwen.

The End of Summer: A Dadvid Story. (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now