Info Chapter

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Name: Y/n L/n

Gender: Male

Appearance: Physical build in the start will be lean with a small amount of muscle. Aside from that, your appearance is up to you. The key for physical characteristics is this: (E/c) - eye color (H/c) - hair color (H/l) - hair length (S/c) - skin color

Romantic Interest: Kyoka Jiro


Disabler: The quirk allows Y/n to nullify any of a person's five senses with just a glance. He doesn't have to maintain eye contact and is capable of nullifying more than one sense, but the more he nullifies, the larger the strain on his body is.

Downsides: While all it takes is one glance for Y/n to nullify a sense, if he can't see the opponent, then his quirk doesn't work so enemies that are too fast for him to see or invisible are his counter. Depending on which sense he is nullifying, Y/n receives a lesser form of his intended effect. For example, if he were to nullify someone's sight, his own vision would get blurry. The effect is only minor at first, but the longer he keeps his quirk active, the more he is affected by it. Also, the more people under the effect of his quirk, the worse the initial backlash is, so if he tried to nullify the senses of say, 15 people at once, he would go temporarily blind almost instantly.

Hero costume: Y/n wears a simple white mask (Think of Haku's mask from Naruto) that has no visible openings for the mouth or eyes. There are black X marks where his eyes and mouth are on the mask. He wears a black short sleeve jacket over a grey tank top, that when unzipped, reveals fifty slots that hold knives lined in the jacket. For pants, he wears black knee-length shorts. He wears dark grey gloves that go up into the sleeves of his hoodie and long grey socks that hide his legs. His shoes have blades hidden in them.

(You'll be replacing Rikido Sato in the class roster. I'll also change a few things, but it won't be much.)

Dialogue Key: 

Name: Talking

Name: Thinking

Name: *action*

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