Chapter 8

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A/N: I love this song!! I also think it fits the chapter!!

Put your hands up!!" One of the police officers said. Louis looked at me, totally shocked to see Casey and Liam standing there. Victoria looked shocked as well. They looked so different from the last time I'd saw them. Casey had a black skull shirt with holes in it, and some ripped black jeans. She had earrings in and had cut her hair. Her hair was black with a streak of purple in it. Liam was wearing blue t shirt with some grey pants. His hair was down to his shoulder. He looked way older than he is. We were right behind the yellow tape that separated us from them. "Hey, stop!" I yelled.
One of the officers turned towards me and almost fainted from surprise. "Hey, it's the kids from the news!!" He said. All of the police officers, except the two pointing their guns at Casey and Liam, looked at us. "Didn't they get shot?" Another one questioned. We tried to back away from them, but then they pointed their guns at us. "Don't move, just come with us" One of them said calmly. I had to think about how to get out of this. There were a lot of people at the scene and I'm their cars so we couldn't use our powers. Casey and Liam still had their hands up, held at gunpoint. Casey looked like she didn't even care that her life was at stake. On the other hand, Liam looked like he was about to pee his pants. "Alright, we'll come with you, only if you let those two go" I stated pointing at Casey and Liam. "Miss, do you know what they've done, their going to jail!" The officer stated. "Officer, please, those are our cousins, well come with you if we can talk to them first" Victoria said in a cutesy innocent voice. She was so dang smart, how come I didn't use that excuse. The officers turned to each other and whispered some things. "Fine, but be quick" The officers in front of us lowered their guns. We ducked under the yellow tape and ran to them. The officers in front of them also put their guns down. Liam had a surprised look on his face, while I could see Casey slightly smile. "Oh my god, your alive!!" Liam said hugging me tightly. Me and him were about the same height. After I hugged him, Louis and Victoria did. "I really missed you, ya know?" Casey said. "Yeah I missed you too" I replied, giving her a warm smile. She was a lot taller than me. Louis came over to Casey and said "We'll don't you look different?" In a sarcastic tone. "Yeah, I do" she replied. Victoria cape over to Casey last. "Your hair is redder than it was, cute" Casey said. Victoria giggled and said "Thanks, I missed you by the way!" Casey winked at her. I looked at Liam, he still looked very nervous. We all huddled together in a group. The police weren't paying any attention to us because ether were trying to direct traffic and get people back in their cars. "I've got a plan" I said. "Well what is it?" Casey asked. "There's a huge lake under this bridge, Still got your water powers Liam?" I asked. He nodded. "Good, imma need you to control the water so we don't die from jumping off the bridge, sound good?" I said quickly. "I guess so.." he said hesitantly. "I'm in" Casey said. "Well, we've got nothing to lose" Louis agreed to go. Victoria also nodded in agreement. "Okay, we break in 3...2....1!" And just like that, we all ran for the edge of the bridge. The officers noticed us and told us to stop, but it was to late. We jumped of the bridge. Liam formed the water to make a big wave to Cary us. We were then suddenly underwater. I couldn't breathe for a moment until, Casey, with Liams help, formed a air bubble around all of us. I couldn't believe I was breathing under water. We were in the air bubble until we could swim to shore. I don't know how long it took us to find shore, but it took us a while. Our clothes were completely dry. We swam to an abandoned beach. There was trash everywhere and it smelt like sewer. We stood up on the sand that felt horrible. "What is this place?" Victoria asked. "Okay are we just going to ignore that fact that we just jumped of a bridge?" Liam said. "It was kinda epic" I said. "More like terrifying, but what's done is done" Liam said. "Liam your such a wimp" Casey said. "Am not" Liam muttered under his breath. I reached in my pocket and grabbed my phone. I looked at my gps and it didn't pick up where we were. "Well, now we're lost" Liam said looking at my phone. "Let's just walk North, until we find a city, there must be one nearby" Victoria said hopefully. Thankfully, everyone agreed to that plan. We walked through the trashed beach and saw abandoned snack shops and basketball courts. The place looked like it used to be really fun. The beach was a ghost town. Oddly, no one was there. "So, how have y'all been doing on the road?" Louis asked Casey and Liam. "Probably as good as y'all three, we've been running and hiding for two years" Liam said. "When we ran from that horrid place, I never wanted to even look at it again, so we kept running" Liam explained. "So did we" I said. I then suddenly tripped on something. I fell face first in the nasty sand. It hurt, but only for ten seconds. "Ouch" Casey said. "Here let me help you up" Louis held out his hand. I grasped it and he helped me up. "What did you trip on?" Victoria asked. I didn't know what I tripped on. I looked in the sand and saw something silver. It was halfway buried in the sand. I used my hands to dig it out. It looked like a mini statue of a book, it was all metal. "Eh, Useless" Casey said. We left the statue alone. "Wait! I think I see buildings!!" Louis shouted as he ran ahead of me. I saw them too, tall city ones. "Welp, onward we go" Liam said as we all ran in the direction of the buildings.
"You shot them??!!"
"Yes we did"
"H-How could you??!!"
"Oh, but I forgot one thing...their not dead, yet"

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